Chapter 11

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Wanda couldn't help but smile as she knew on the next weekend, she was going away with Y/N. Finally alone together. Although Vision only knew that Agatha was going with her, and she didn't mind lying for her friend.

"You're really improving Tommy." Y/N beamed as she played one on one with him in her driveway.

"Thank you." He smiled proudly as Billy was sat on the porch with his book. Vision and Wanda were having the same argument again, which soon prompted Vision to storm out of the house. Heading to his car. He took a deep breath before his eyes landed on Y/N who was playing basketball with his son.

"Boys! Inside now." He ordered the twins as he approached Y/N. Billy and Tommy reluctantly headed inside as Vision approached Y/N. "Did you brainwash my wife?"

"What?" Y/N questioned as he poked her in the chest.

"Wanda is talking about divorce." He told her angrily. "She has never ever brought it up in all of the years we have been together."

"I suggest you take a step back sir." Y/N told him as he stepped closer to her. The height between the two wasn't much different.

"You are filth." He snarled as both Nat and Wanda exited the houses.

"Vis!" Wanda yelled as she tried to get him to step away.

"Since you came here, my marriage has fallen apart." He seethed as Y/N's gazed never faltered.

"Maybe it was falling apart before and you're just too blind to see." Y/N smirked, watching the rage in his eyes. "You know, I have a friend down at the optomologist office. I may be able to get you a reasonable discount, depending on how blind you are."

"Vision! Inside." Wanda told him as she reached for his arm. He snatched his arm away from her, pushing her away, causing her to fall back before he started to head back to his car. Wanda was shocked as Vision had never done anything like that to her.

"Hey!" Y/N yelled as she followed him.

"Y/N!" Nat tried as she helped Wanda stand.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her like that again you fucking coward!" Y/N yelled as Vision slammed his car door shut before turning to face Y/N again. Instead of talking, he just threw a punch to her jaw, making her stumble back.

"Vision! Just leave." Wanda yelled as he shook his head. "I want a divorce."

"No!" He yelled, not caring about the attention he was drawing to them. "We are not getting a divorce and that is final." With that he got in his car and sped off, Y/N turned back to approach Wanda.

"Are you ok?" Y/N asked her as Wanda checked her face.

"I should be asking you that?" She checked Y/N's face, seeing a bruise forming.

"Why didn't you kick his ass?" Nat questioned.

"I will not be disrespectful." Y/N stated before she went inside. Both Nat and Wanda watched her.

"I'm sorry." Wanda whispered as Nat shook her head.

"I may have a friend who can help you Wanda." Nat informed her. "She is one hell of a lawyer and will help you get free from him."

"I don't want to lose my boys." Wanda whispered as Nat smiled reassuringly.

"She will make sure you have the best part of the divorce. Besides, you'll be free to live how you want to." Nat told her with a smile. Wanda just nodded before thanking her and heading inside. The twins both waiting for her.

"Are you and dad getting a divorce?" Tommy asked her as she sighed.

"Yes." She told him honestly. "He and I don't work as a couple any more."

"Because you have a crush on Coach." Tommy stated as Billy remained silent. He already knew everything since he reassured her when she was doubtful of her decision.

"No. He and I haven't saw eye to eye for years Tommy." Wanda told him. "I haven't been happy whenever he is around and I feel free when he spends most of his time away from here."

"But you're supposed to love him forever." Tommy yelled.

"No Tommy, it is ok to fall out of love." Wanda told him with a smile. "I just don't love him like I used to, and it won't be fair on any of us if we keep living this lie of a happy family."

"We are a happy family." Tommy snapped.

"No we are not." Billy stated. "I have come home from school a lot to mom crying. I can tell that she had to give up a lot for this family, for us. So is it so bad for her to be a little selfish."

"Yes it is." Tommy told him. "It will ruin us." With that he stomped to their room.

"He will come around." Wanda whispered as she hugged Billy.

"I hope so." He whispered.



An argument and an aggressive Vision
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