Chapter 5

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Wanda was shocked by Pietro's observation. Sure, she was attracted to Y/N but she would never do anything about it. She is married to Vision, although it feels part time because he is barely there, then there is the twins. She wouldn't to hurt them. Break up their family.

"What did you mean last week at the BBQ?" Wanda questioned her twin as she entered his house.

"Hello to you too sister." He smirked as he turned away from his laptop. "I am just working on my latest design. Would you like to see?"

"You mentioned about Y/N and I? Do you think I would act on my feelings?" Wanda asked him.

"What I am going to say here may be hard to hear Wanda." He told her softly. "I can see your marriage imploding in on itself. I see how the twins lack a father figure even though he lives under the same roof. I saw how Y/N was with Tommy last week, even though he wouldn't shut up about how awful practice was the day before." He smirked before he turned serious. "I understand that you crave something more than what Vis is giving you, I just want you to be sure that it is what you want before you decide. I love and care about you Wanda and I truly want you to be happy. If it's with Vision then fight for your marriage. If not, then file for a divorce." He patted her leg as he stood up from his seat. "I feel like some tea. Do you want some?" He asked her.

"Please." Wanda answered him weakly. Thinking about everything he had just said. He was right. Well he was always right when it came to Wanda. He knew her better than she did herself.

"Here you go." He told her as he handed her the tea.

"Thank you." Wanda smiled as she smelled the contents. Sighing in content. "What should I do? I have never really had these feelings before."

"It's been awhile since you and Vis, well you know." He cringed as she chuckled lightly. Nodding in confirmation. "Maybe try and organise a date night for you both. Monica and I can take the twins."

"Thank you." She smiled as she drank her tea. Listening to her brothers advice.

Later that evening when Vision finally came home. He had a scowl on his face.

"Does she have to play that stupid game at this hour?" He moaned referring to Y/N who was shooting hoops in her driveway.

"What?" Wanda questioned him.

"The new neighbour." He told her with a scowl on his face as he sat down. Kicking his shoes off. "She is rather annoying."

"Y/N is her name." Wanda retorted as she brought him a drink.

"Well she needs to play that game at a reasonable hour. When I am not here." He told her angrily. Wanda just agreed with him before she remembered her conversation with Pietro.

"Are you Friday night?" Wanda questioned as Vision looked up. "Pietro has agreed to watch the twins so we can have a date night. Something we haven't done in so long."

"I finish at 7pm." Vision told her. "Would we be able to have it here and maybe you could cook paprikash."

"Of course." Wanda pecked his lips before heading up to get herself ready for bed. Only to hear the front door open.

"Can you please do that at a reasonable time or go to a damn park!" Vision yelled as he walked towards the fence.

"I'm sorry? I'm." Y/N started to introduce herself.

"Y/N. The new annoying neighbour." Vision snapped as Y/N raised a brow. "I have just come home from work and I would love to kick my feet up and relax but I can't because of that incessant sound."

"It's just basketball, besides I'm not even loud. You can drown it out by turning on the TV." Y/N said as she started to dribble again. "Besides, it soothes me." She smirked at him

"If you don't stop." Vision started as her moved around the fence and walking up Y/N's drive.

"What will you do?" Y/N smirked as she held the ball under her arm.

"Vis?" Wanda called out as she approached the two.

"Wanda, this sound could disturb the twins." He tried as Y/N smirked, glancing at Wanda.

"They're well away honey." Wanda told him. Y/N watched as his jaw clenched before he huffed before heading down the driveway. "I'm sorry about him." Wanda apologised as Y/N waved her off.

"That's ok Wanda." Y/N told her. "Good night Wanda."

"Good night Y/N." Wanda said with a smile as she headed back inside. Locking the door, ignoring Vision's angry mumblings as she climbed in bed.



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