Chapter 21

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The week went by as Y/N was still the same, Nat had remained at the hospital with Steve, the two taking turns in watching over her. Nat had distanced herself from Wanda for the time being, not wanting to hear anymore on the matter.

"Hi." Wanda spoke softly as she entered the room.

"What are you doing here Wanda?" Nat questioned coldly.

"Tommy spoke to the police." She told her. "They have a search warrant out for Vision."

"Thank you." Nat spoke sincerely.

"You do realise that the affair will get out." Wanda told her as Nat nodded. "Y/N and I will be dragged through the mud."

"I know." Nat nodded. "But the two of you decided to have an affair, although you both knew the risks."

"But the twins live here." Wanda whispered.

"It shouldn't affect the twins." Nat told her. "Even if it did, I am sure that Y/N will have a solution when she wakes up."

"Was she always the one with the steady head?" Wanda asked as she took a seat.

"No." Nat laughed as she looked over at Wanda. "She used to be reckless, more of a live in the moment kind of girl until the accident." She sighed as she looked at her friend. "I guess it took losing her dream to make her see that everything isn't a game."

"I guess it all worked out in the end right?" Wanda spoke softly as Nat nodded.

"It did." She held Y/N's hand as she lifted it to her forehead. "I just wish she would wake up." Nat whispered as Wanda wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry that Tommy had to go through that."

"I guess he is going to need a lot of help to get passed this." Wanda stated as Nat nodded.

"He will have all the help he needs Wanda." Nat told her. "I'm sorry about how I acted the other week. I guess I was scared." Wanda tried to shake her off. "I am scared actually. I just, I have been in this chair while she has been lying in that bed before. I just never thought I would be here again."

"She will wake up." Wanda told her confidently. "The Y/N I have known since she moved next door won't ever leave us. Not if she has anything to do about it." Wanda's comforting words eased Nat's nerves a little as the coming weeks were harder. There wasn't really any sign of Y/N waking up just yet.

"Mr Grant." Ths doctor spoke as he entered the room. "I am here to discuss organ donation, we don't have anything that indicates that she is a donor."

"She's not dead." He told them sternly.

"It is reaching the 30th day sir." They told him.

"I don't care. My daughter is not dead." He yelled as Nat and Wanda tried to calm him down.

"Come on Steve." Nat spoke softly.

"No!" He looked at her. "I am not going to stand here and let this pompous dick say my daughter is dead." He moved to the monitor and pointed at it. "Her heart is still beating. She has a fucking pulse and she is breathing!"

"The machines are helping her right now." They tried as he shook his head.

"She is still alive." He snarled as Wanda stepped towards the doctor.

"Perhaps we can talk about this another time." She told them. "Maybe when she is actually dying because right now she is alive."

"It's hospital policy." They started.

"Screw the fucking policy!" Wanda yelled at them. "We have hope that she is going to get through this and if not, you best wish I don't find you because I will string you up by the bollocks and rip out your tongue."

"I'll come back later then." They scrambled out of the door as Nat just burst out laughing as Wanda took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as Nat shook her head no.

"Thank you Wanda." Steve spoke with a small smile.

"I can't do this." Wanda whispered as Nat approached her. "I just, I don't know how I can do this."

"Wanda." Nat rested her hands on her shoulders. "Breathe."

"I can't." Wanda spoke shakily. "I can't raise this baby without her."

"Baby?" Steve questioned as Wanda nodded. "And it's Y/N's?"

"Yes, but I never got a chance to tell her." Wanda whispered. "I was going to tell her when she got home from work that day."

"So you two did have an affair?" He questioned.

"It was." Wanda started as she wiped her eyes. "I was drawn to her. She is who I want to be with, she is amazing with the twins and I know she would make an amazing mama."

"I know she will be an amazing parent." He told her. "But how you went around it was wrong on so many levels, but she would be there every step of the way." He gave her a small hug before he smiled at her. "Y/N is really in love with you. The last time I saw her look at someone the way she looks at you was Gwen."

"I hate that bitch." Nat whispered as Steve nodded in agreement. Wanda had known that Y/N had her heart broken once before, that was why she was always guarded around people she didn't trust.

As more days went by, Tommy had started therapy with Billy, the two needing to go over previous events and their home life before.

"Hi." Tony spoke softly as he entered the room, Steve was the only one who was sat with Y/N. "I just needed to see her." Steve only nodded with a watchful eye as Tony approached the other side. "I hate this."

"Why do you only come around when it's life or death?" Steve questioned.

"I'm not doing this Steve." Tony sighed as he looked up at Steve. He looked just as tired as Steve as he had spent countless nights awake, worrying about Y/N, waiting for any news on her. "I just want to be here for her. Help her if she wants it."

"Ok." Steve spoke sarcastically as Tony took a seat.

"I am sorry for everything I put her through. I am." Tony told him. "I know that leaving her like I did was a shitty thing to do, especially when she lost her mother. I was young and naive."

"Stupid." Steve told him.

"I was stupid." He agreed. "I just want a chance to make it right between us. I don't want her to call me dad or take your place in her heart. I just want to know my daughter if she would give me a chance."

At that moment, the machines started to beep rapidly. Causing both Tony and Steve to jump up as a team of nurses and doctors came running in, pushing the two outside of the room.



The tension is here guys. Please let me know what you think.

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