Chapter 6

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Wanda was excited for her date with her husband tonight so she put on her best dress. The paprikash was on the stove and the twins were at Pietro's for the weekend.

It was now 7:20pm, Vision was late which was weird because he is never late. Wanda started to second guess everything. Did she get the day right or did he forget. Why would he forget about spending the evening with his wife. The mother of his children. Wanda was soon broken from her thoughts when the doorbell rang.

"Wow." Y/N smiled as she looked Wanda up and down. "You look beautiful Wanda."

"Thanks." She spoke emotionlessly.

"Are you ok?" Y/N asked her, completely forgetting why she knocked.

"I'm fine." Wanda spoken in a broken voice. Y/N could see that Wanda was upset. "Why are you here?" Wanda questioned.

"Oh yeah." Y/N remembered. "I was looking through my boxes. Finally decided to unpack, and I came across my old ball from college when we won the collegiate state championship. We all signed it when we won and I thought that maybe Tommy could use it."

"That's very thoughtful of you Y/N." Wanda smiled as Y/N handed her the ball. "There's you." She pointed to Y/N's poor excuse of an autograph.

"We all thought it would be fun to try out our autpgraphs, thinking we would all make it big." Y/N spoke sadly. "But some of us didn't."

"I'm sorry." Wanda whispered as Y/N waved her off.

"Don't worry about it." Y/N smiled at her. "Anyway, I'll leave you be Wanda." Wanda smiled as she watched Y/N walk to her own door before she heard the phone ring.

"Vis?" She questioned as she answered the phone.

"I won't be home this weekend." He started as Wanda scoffed.

"Seriously? You knew we had plans almost an hour ago." She told him.

"I know but I can't get out of this. Mr Stark has requested my assistance personally." He told her. "I'll be home Monday." Before she could answer he hung up. She groaned as she threw the phone on the sofa. A pot of Paprikash on the stove.

She soon remembered that Y/N was unpacking. So absent mindedly, she started to grab the pot and wine, taking it to Y/N's. Knowing this could most likely be a bad idea, but she couldn't stop herself when she knocked on Y/N's door.

"I made papikash if your hungry." Wanda questioned when Y/N opened the door.

"Of course. Come in." Y/N tookthe pot from Wanda's grasp and led her to the kitchen. Grabbing some bowls and a couple of glasses. "I'm sorry I don't have proper wine glasses."

"This will do perfectly." Wanda smirked at Y/N's Mickey and Minnie Mouse tumblers. Dishing up the bowls and filling the glasses, the two then sat at the table and ate in a comfortable silence.

"Was tonight a special occasion?" Y/N questioned, gesturing to Wanda's strapless dress.

"It was supposed to be date night." Wanda spoke sadly. "But work will always come first." The two retreated to the sofa. "I just, what is wrong with me Y/N? Why doesn't my husband want to be with me?"

"I can't answer for him." Y/N told her softly. Wanda watched as she spoke. "But anyone would be extremely lucky to come home to such an amazing wife and mother." Y/N gazed in her eyes. Never faltering as Wanda's heart beat in her chest.

"Would you feel that way?" Wanda asked barely above a whisper. She knew she was treading on dangerous grounds now.

"I would feel like I had won the lottery." Y/N spoke honestly. "I would try my best to get out of work as much as possible because I would rather be home with you in my arms."

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