Chapter 8

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Vision tried his hardest, well it only lasted all of a couple of days really before he went back to his old habits of putting work before his wife and sons. Y/N tried her hardest to help with the team, especially since Tommy was the only one who was really the only one to be able to do a free throw.

"We have our first game this Friday." Y/N told Bucky who just nodded. "We are never going to win with this team." The two watched as pretty much all of them were running laps around the court.

"Maybe we should re-open tryouts?" He questioned as Y/N shook her head with a smirk.

"No." She told him. "We just need to whip them into shape. Give them a purpose to play better than the god damn shit show we're getting."

"What do you have in mind?" He asked her as she smirked.

"How do you feel about 6am team runs?" She questioned as he groaned. None of the coaches he had ever known has ever done anything like this. "OK!!! Huddle up guys!" She yelled as all of the teens formed a semi circle around the coach. "I am still appalled by your lack of skills. I mean Tommy here is the only one who can throw a damn free throw!"

"Well, I deal with more dunks coach." One of the lads smirked.

"Well maybe if I wasn't here and you had your old coach, then that would be fine but this is MY GYM! MY RULES!" Y/N yelled as she looked at them all. "WE RUN MY PLAYS AND IF YOU DON'T PERFORM, you best get used to sitting pretty princess." She smirked as Bucky was impressed. "So every weekday at 6am, I want you all here ready to join Coach Bucky and I on a morning run. If you miss it, you're off the team. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!"

"Yes coach." They all spoke in unison.

"Hit the showers cos you are stinking up my gym!" She yelled as they all soon made their way there.

"Don't you think it's a little harsh?" Bucky questioned as Y/N shook her head no.

"My old school coach had us repaint our whole gym when we had team issues in high school and to be honest, it made us a better team." She told him as she walked with him to the office. "That was the first State Championship I had ever won. Honestly the celebrations went on for weeks." Bucky just hummed as Y/N grabbed her things and bag ready to leave. "I have to head out, my uh well the person who brought me up is visiting tonight. He wants to see how I'm settling in."

"Ok. I'll see that the guys are all out of the showers on time." Bucky said as Y/N thanked him before she left. Making a stop on her way at the grocery store for some of his favourite beer. Thankfully Nat was cooking for them.

"So we're having steaks?" Y/N questioned as she put the beers in the fridge.

"And salad." Nat told her with a triumphant smile.

"Do you remember how he has his steaks?" Y/N questioned with a smirk as someone knocked on the door.

"Medium and you are medium rare." Nat confirmed as Y/N gave her a proud smile and a thumbs up. Making her way to answer the door.

"Wanda, hi." Y/N greeted her neighbour as she looked down the street for Steve.

"Tommy told me about the 6am run?" She questioned with a raised brow.

"Yeah." Y/N scratched her neck nervously.

"Neither Vision or I can get him there for that time and he is too young for a learners permit." She told her as Y/N nodded. A smile tugging on her lips as she listened to Wanda ramble.

"Don't worry about it. Just make sure he is up and ready for 5:30am and he can drive with me." Y/N told her gently as Wanda inhaled deeply. "Just tell him to meet me at my car."

"You have a car?" Wanda questioned.

"Don't you see it there?" Y/N pointed to it in the driveway. "I drove you and the twins in it to your brother's barbecue."

"It has all been kind of a blur." She mumbled.

"Not very observant are we Mrs Maximoff." She smirked as Wanda blushed under her intense gaze.

"I'll make sure he's ready." Wanda told her before she bid a quick goodbye as Y/N watched her walk away, just in time for Steve to walk up the steps.

"Already causing trouble kid?" He smirked as Y/N just laughed.

"Of course." She pulled him in for a hug which he reciprocated almost immediately before she soon led him inside.

"This is a nice little house." He told her as she thanked him.

"I am sure you remember Nat?" Y/N asked as Nat waved at him.

"How could I forget her, especially when the two of you decided to take my old Harley for a joyride." He chuckled as the other two just smiled thinking of the memory.

"If I remember, that was also how you broke your arm and had to have pins too." Y/N pointed out to Nat who nodded.

"All you got was a couple of fractured ribs and road rash." She said as Y/N laughed as Nat shown off her scar. "It put a pin in my Volleyball days."

"You should coach it." Y/N spoke seriously.

"I haven't got a teaching degree Y/N." She reminded her as Y/N shrugged taking a seat beside Steve.

"Go to the local college for night classes." Y/N suggested. "You can stay here for however long you need and go and get your degree."

"Yeah." Natasha nodded with a look of determination in her eyea. "I will do that first thing on Monday morning."

"Good." Y/N smiled as she raised her beer. "To amazing family."

"To amazing family." The two copied before Nat went back to finishing cooking dinner.

"So, Tony stopped by the day after I moved in." Y/N brought up as both Steve and Nat turned to face her.

"You never told me that!" Nat told her as she shrugged.

"I'm telling you now." Y/N told her as Nat just huffed before turning back to her task at hand.

"What did he want?" Steve asked as Y/N just shook her head.

"He wants to be in my life and he questioned your relationship with me." Y/N told him. "You were the one who raised me, fed me and clothed me. You made me into who I am today. He may be blood but you are my dad."

"And I will always be just that." Steve smiled as he patted her shoulder before they soon fell into a comfortable conversation about what is happening in each of their lives over dinner. Of course both Steve and Y/N had to swap plates since Natasha had gotten them muddled up, but they enjoyed a peaceful evening together with good food and amazing company.



I forgot to actually mention that the Steve who brought Y/N up was Steve Grant from MoonKnight. Also please let me know what you think

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