Chapter 14

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The following Monday rolled around and everyone fell back into their normal routines. Of course, Wanda had organised having lunch with Agatha.

"Are you excited for Tommy's first game?" She asked Wanda who only nodded.

"I am." She smiled proudly. "I know he is going to be amazing on Friday."

"Anyway, what has happened to Vision?" Agatha questioned as Wanda shrugged.

"He isn't there when I wake up and he barely comes home of a night now." Wanda told her. "He's probably just working on another new project."

"Do you think he knows?" Agatha questioned as Wanda shook her head.

"I don't think so." She answered as she took a quick look around. "We have been extremely careful."

"Ok." Agatha nodded. "I just worry about you Wanda. You are my best friend and I just want to look out for you."

"I know." She whispered before the two headed home for when the twins finished school.

Wanda sat on the sofa as Billy came home, knowing that Tommy will be practicing hard for his first game on Friday.

"Are you ok mom?" He asked her as she smiled at him and nodded.

"I am." She patted the spot next to her. "How was school?" She questioned as Billy soon started to talk about his day. Then he soon paused as he smiled at his mom.

"You seem happier everytime dad isn't here." He noted as Wanda sighed. This was something she never wanted to affect the twins.

"I am." She took a deep breath. "I just hate that you can see it all. You're supposed to be a teenager, play on your games console or hang out with your friends. Not take observations in how your parents marriage is falling apart."

"I've seen it since we were kids mama." He confessed. "That first year he went away for christmas on a business trip for Stark. I could see then how much that hurt you and you tried to hide from Tommy and me."

"You were 6." She told him.

"I wished that year and every year to get better for you. For you to be happy but you never were." Billy smiled. "Until a certain someone came into your life."

"You're ok with it?" Wanda questioned. "If your dad and I get divorced?"

"Of course." He told her. "He never really has time for any of us so I think it would be for the best anyway."

"You're a good kid." Wanda smiled before he disappeared to his room. Wanda reached in her pocket and dialled the number that Nat had given her a few weeks ago. Wanting to start the divorce process as soon as she could.

As the week went on, the team were getting hyped up for the game. Both Y/N and Bucky were proud of how far they had came as a team.

"Ok guys." Y/N started as she entered the locker room after knocking. Waiting until they were all changed into their team uniforms. "This is the moment we have been training for, changing school history with this game. Playing as a team and not a one man show." The team listened as she spoke. "Now let's head out there and show them what a team looks like." She ordered as they all cheered and headed through to the gym.

Wanda stood with Billy, Nat and Agatha as they watched the game. Wanda's gaze kept turning to Y/N who wore a shirt and tie as she yelled ecouraging words or advice to the team.

"You really are smitten." Nat whispered in her ear as Wanda could only blush.

"I called her. The lawyer." Wanda whispered as Nat smiled at her. "We have a meeting set up for Monday afternoon. Start the process."

"I'm proud of you mom." Billy told her, having heard her entire conversation.

With 10 seconds left on the clock, the game was a tie as Tommy dribbled the ball up the court. Only to be fouled by someone on the opposing team, giving the Avengers two free throws.

"You got this Tommy!" Y/N told him from where she stood. "Just remember to breathe kid." Everyone watched as Tommy walked up to the line, ignoring the slurs coming from the opposing team as he threw the first shot, getting it in the basket and giving them the win, then he scored the second as the whole gym erupted in loud cheers as Y/N ran over to the team with the subs. "Awesome gake guys!!" She cheered as they all celebrated. "Hit the showers!"

She remained in her spot as the crowd fizzled out of the gym. A smile on her face as they won their first game.

"Awesome first game coach." Billy smiled as he passed her, a beaming Wanda beside him as her gaze met hers.

"Thank you." She spoke sincerely as she watched the two walk outside to wait for Tommy.

"You really seem like you belonged on the sidelines." Nat stated as she stood beside Y/N.

"Yeah, it felt good being there." Y/N told her honestly. "Don't get me wrong, I miss playing the game but I love coaching more."

"You've grown up coach." Nat wrapped her arm around Y/N's as the two left the gym.

Wanda took the twins to McDonalds to celebrate Tommy's win. Listening as he went on about how amazing it was on the court as both Wanda and Billy listened proudly.

When the twins had went to bed, Wanda headed to her own room to find Vision stood there, packing his bag.

"What's this?" She questioned as she took off her jewellery.

"Business trip." He told her. "I have a new project and it's a huge one. Could be my biggest one yet." He told her with a smile as he zipped up her bag.

"When will you be back?" Wanda asked him.

"I'm not too sure yet." He told her as he lifted his luggage from the bed. He kissed her head before he headed to his car and driving away. Wanda couldn't help but have a strange feeling within at how strange he is acting.



They won the first game. Also Vision is disappearing but for how long. Please let me know your thoughts.

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