Chapter 15

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With Christmas fast approaching, the team had won another game. Wanda was dancing around the house as she listened to christmas songs in November.

She had already ordered the presents for the twins to arrive for when they are at school. The first meeting with Jennifer Walters went better than she expected.

"As soon as we have a separation of 6 months we can go through with the divorce." Jennifer informed her. "We just need Vision to sign off on this."

"I have tried to get a hold of him but he is on a work trip." Wanda told her. "I don't know how long he will be gone for."

"Ok." Jennifer noted down. "Maybe we can get in touch with his employer." She started to pack her things. "I will give Mr Stark a call and I will get back to you."

That was the last Wanda had heard of it, although she had tried to call both Vision and Mr Stark herself. It wasn't until there was a knock on her door.

"Jennifer, what are you doing here?" She questioned as she let the woman step inside.

"He isn't on a work trip." Jennifer informed her. "I called Mr Stark and he informed me that Vision had requested a sebatical and hasn't been to work for at least a couple of weeks."

"What." Wanda whispered. "He lied to me." She sat down running her hand through her hair. "He knows." She whispered as Jennifer looked at her questioningly. "He knows about my affair. Fuck!"

"Affair?" Jennifer questioned. "You do realise that this changes everything. The divorce and all of it. You will lose out on everything Wanda. No alimony. You could lose the house. Everything."

"I don't want anything from him!" Wanda told her. "I want my life back. That is all I want from him. My life. I changed everything for him. For our family. I gave up my dreams so I could be a housewife because he still has beliefs like the 50's."

"Wanda." Jennifer sighed. "We will have to re-evaluate everything now. Especially if he gets his own lawyer invloved." With that Jennifer left Wanda, just leaving the door open long enough for Nat to squeeze inside.

"Wanda?" She questioned as Wanda looked up with tears in her eyes. "What happened?"

"He knows." She whispered. "God how could I be so stupid!" She yelled. "Of course he would figure it out."

"Wanda, talk me through it." Nat requested as Wanda just took a shaky breath.

"He told me he was leaving on a work trip but he hasn't." Wanda told Nat. "Jennifer called up his employers and they told her that he has requested a sebatical."

"So he may be with his family?" Nat queried as Wanda shook her head.

"He hasn't had anything to do with them since they were against me getting pregnant." Wanda told her. "They haven't even met the twins."

"Is he capable of anything?" Nat asked her with worry in her eyes.

"I don't think so." Wanda whispered. "He's never really been in a fight before and well." She sighed. "I don't know anymore Nat."

"Everything will be fine Wanda." Nat reassured her as she wrapped her arms around her. "Jennifer will have everything sorted out."

"We could lose the house." Wanda whispered. "I could be homeless."

"Y/N wouldn't let that happen to you. Any of you." Nat told her firmly. "One thing I know about Y/N is that when she loves, she loves with all of her so trust me when I say it will be fine."

"Thank you." Wanda whispered.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Nat asked her as Wanda gave her a small smile. "I can tell you stories about Y/N that you won't hear from Steve. The juicy ones." Wanda just chuckled before giving her a small thank you.

"She really done that?" Wanda questioned as she laughed at Nat's story.

"Yeah, we were all pissed and well it was a dare." Nat confirmed. "She never backed down from a dare."

"Really?" Wanda raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, she once gave someone a blow job before when she was pissed. Made him cum before she vomited all over his dick." Nat told her. "He was called vomdick for the rest of college."

"Wow." Wanda calmed down. "I wish I knew you guys in college, because you lot sound fun."

"We were." Nat sighed. "Before the accident. Y/N went into a bad place when she lost her place in the pros and well, she went dark. It was Steve who got her out of it."

"Steve is the one who raised her?" Wanda questioned.

"Yeah, her dad, Tony left her and her mom so Steve was the one who was there to help raise her." Nat told her. "He rushed to the hospital everytime Y/N had an accident. He didn't care if it was a minor accident. He was there for her and cared for her until her mom died and he took her in."

"She sounds like she had it tough." Wanda whispered.

"She did but she is an amazing person and deserves the world." Nat told her as Wanda nodded in agreement.

"I have got to start on dinner." Wanda sighed as they looked at the time.

"Y/N is bringing them home right?" Nat questioned as Wanda nodded. "Why don't we order a bunch of pizza, put on a movie or two and just have a fun night with the boys."

"You would do that?" Wanda asked her as Nat nodded.

"Of course." She beamed at her as she soon perked up. "Ooh. A Terminator marathon, except Genesis, that was shit." Before Wanda could answer, Nat had already left and ran home to get the boxset just as Y/N pulled up with the twins.

"What's gotten into her?" Y/N questioned as she laughed as Nat excitedly ran home.

"She wants a Terminator marathon and pizza with the boys." Wanda told her. "I think we need to talk." Wanda spoke quietly as the twins had gotten settled with Nat before the TV.

"What's up?" Y/N asked her softly as Wanda took a deep breath.

"He knows. I don't know how but he does." Was all she had to say as Y/N just nodded with pursed lips.

"Just please be careful." Was all Y/N said before she disappeared inside her home, leaving Wanda to go inside and watch TV with Nat and the twins.



They know he knows. Please let me know what you think

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