Chapter 26

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Y/N was meeting Wanda at the hospital after she had coffee with Tony. Deciding to at least build some kind of relationship with him.

"So this is it." He led her through the Tower. She admired the labs and the offices. Seeing how everyone was moving, not a soul was still within the building. "We have been trying to create a new element but we keep failing right now." He told her as they looked through the tempered glass at a glowing object. "We're trying to find an alternative power source, something that is cleaner than nuclear or fossil fuels."

"That's amazing." She told him.

"Did you ever think about becoming an engineer?" He asked her as she shook her head no.

"I only wanted to play basketball." She told him. "That was my dream from when I was a kid. To play ball."

"But you had an accident right?" He queried as she nodded.

"It ended my chances of ever playing pro." She told him. "But I love coaching, I've even asked for my old position back at NYU."

"So you're leaving Westview High?" He asked her as she nodded.

"I just don't think I can go there again and with the baby on the way." She told him.

"Baby?" He questioned.

"Wanda is pregnant." She told him. "And it's mine, we find out today what we're having but." She stopped when she saw his smile. "What?"

"I'm happy for you." He told her. "And I am happy that you aren't like me, and I want to apologise for not being in your life."

"It's ok." She shook her head. "We don't have to go over any of this. It's in the past."

"But." He tried.

"Don't." She spoke sharply. "I don't want to hear it." She moved to leave. "I was actually enjoying myself, letting my walls down around you and you keep bringing up the time I want to forget."

"I'm sorry." He told her as she scoffed.

"The past stays in the past." She told him. "Remember that next time and leave the god damn apologies for your death bed." With that she left as he took a deep breath. She took a cab to the hospital, meeting Wanda in the waiting room.

"Hey." Wanda greeted her as Y/N sat down beside her. "How was your morning?"

"It was good." Y/N told her. "What about you and the boys?"

"It was good." Wanda nodded. "I told them about the house. They are excited and nervous."

"Well they will be attending a new school and needing to make new friends." Y/N told her. "So the nerves are expected but they're smart boys and I know they will do great."

"What about you?" Wanda asked her.

"I worked at NYU before moving to Westview." Y/N told her. "I know the school and the people." Before Wanda could respond, she was called in to the doctor. Wanda lay back on the bed as the doctor scanned her stomach, hearing the heartbeat and doing all of the measurements.

"Congratulations. It's a girl." They told the two. Y/N kissed Wanda before the two pulled away, neither had really shared a kiss since they decided to wait until the divorce was finalised.

The drive back to Westchester was silent, the two were nervous about the kiss they shared. Even as Wanda pulled up in the driveway, turning off the engine.

"The kiss?" Wanda questioned as Y/N sighed.

"I don't know what to say." Y/N whispered as Wanda chuckled. "All I know is I don't regret it. Not one bit." That was all Wanda needed before she leaned over and gripped her jaw, kissing her with urgency.

"I've missed that." Wanda whispered when the two pulled away, foreheads resting. Y/N only nodded before she kissed her once more, pushing her tongue passed Wanda's parted lips, moaning at the intensity. Wanda's hands went to Y/N's neck as her hands gripped Wanda's thigh. Making out in the driveway like a couple of horny teenagers. "I need you Y/N." She whispered breathlessly. "Please, just give me something."

She moaned as Y/N's hand squeezed her clothed breast roughly, squeezing her thighs at the sensation of Y/N being so close.

"We should stop." Y/N stated as she kissed Wanda's neck.

"Do you want to stop?" Wanda asked her, looking in Y/N's eyes as she moved away.

"I want to feel you Wanda." Y/N whispered as she gazed into her lust blown orbs. "I want you to ride me. Right here, right now."

That was the moment the two had lost all of the inhibitions. The sound of skin slapping and Wanda's moans filled the car. Y/N sucked on Wanda's sensitive nipples as she worked for her high, although the two were embarrassingly close.

The two of them knew they wouldn't be able to be apart any longer, so they made a silent agreement in their momen of weakness. The moment Wanda had slumped against Y/N as the two calmed down from their highs, she pulled away and cupped her face, looking into the eyes she has grown to love.

"I don't want to be a part from you. Not any more." She told her.

"Then move in." Y/N stated. "We can look at the schools here and get the twins starting the next semester. We can be a family Wanda. I want that, I want all of that with you."

"Ok." Wanda whispered as she kissed Y/N tenderly before removing herself from her lap. Putting her underwear back on as Y/N fixed herself.

"Let's get cleaned up before you go home." Y/N told her, getting out and opening Wanda's door for her. The two entered the house as Wanda also looked around, having never really step foot inside.

"It's beautiful here." She whispered as she looked through the rooms.

"I figured I would leave the twins rooms blank so they can decide how they want to decorate." Y/N told her. "But they have a bed and a desk. They both have a decent sized closet too."

"It's perfect Y/N." She whispered as Y/N smiled shyly. "Thank you." She kissed her softly before Y/N led her to the master bedroom, getting Wanda a pair of her boxers and a towel before showing her the en-suite. Wanda felt at home here, like she could grow old here, watching as the kids grew up and moved on with their lives with Y/N by her side.



Here you go guys. Please let me know what you think. The epilogue is next guys. :)

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