Chapter 7

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Since that afternoon, Wanda wanted more than anything to do it more but her husband decided to be the up-standing husband he wishes everyone to see him as. Everytime he tried to get Wanda in bed, she came up with some lame excuse, but she was running out.

It had only been a week and she was needing Y/N more than ever. Everytime she saw her in her garden, she couldn't help but watch. Even when she invited Tommy over to shoot some hoops.

"Hey Y/N/N, long time no see." Y/N's head shot up at the sound of her best friend's voice.

"Nat!" Y/N exclaimed as she pulled the shorter woman into a hug.

"Steve gave me your address and I missed my best buddy." Nat told her when they pulled away. Wanda watched the whole interaction with jealousy in her eyes. Watching as Y/N carried her bags inside for her.

"How long are you here for?" Y/N questioned as Nat shrugged.

"I don't know. I kind of blew up at my boss, well ex-boss and now I am unemployed." Nat said as Y/N grabbed two beers from the fridge. "Maybe I can become a suburban housewife if you want to go to Vegas with me." The two laughed at Nat's joke before Y/N looked out of the window. "Who is this woman who has you hung?"

"Her." Y/N pointed to Wanda as she hung the laundry on the line.

"Miss Vanilla?" Nat questioned with a raised brow.

"Hey!" Y/N scolded her as Nat just smirked at her. "She is kind and selfless."

"She is also married with children." Nat reminded her.

"I know." Y/N groaned as she sat down on the sofa. "I just. It's so fucking messed up."

"It's not unless you have already." Nat's words trailed off as she noticed the guilty look on Y/N's face. "You didn't. Please tell me you didn't."

"We uh, she kissed me first the Friday before." Y/N confessed. "I thought it was because she was vulnerable and her husband forgot their date night, but then Sunday morning." Y/N looked at her hands as she spoke. "I returned her pan and one thing led to another."

"Please at least tell me you wrapped up." Nat pinched the bridge of her nose.

"We only fooled around, well I gave her a mind blowing orgasm and that was it." Y/N explained. "But I want more. I want more of her."

"Y/N." Nat sat down beside her. "I'm sorry but you can't. She is."

"Married! I know. I coach one of her sons." Y/N yelled as she stood up. "I just. I am just like Tony."

"No you're not." Nat stood up and held her shoulders. "You are the complete opposite of your father. You just happen to be in a shitty situation right now."

"I can't stop thinking about her Nat. What do I do?" Y/N asked her.

"We are going to go out and get drunk. Maybe you will find someone to fuck in the bathroom of the club." Nat smirked. "Make sure you keep extra condoms." The two decided that it would be good to just let loose. So they both fought over who was having a shower first.

Meanwhile, Vision was home cooking dinner for himself and the twins while Wanda was out in the yard.

"Where is she?" Agatha questioned as she let herself in the house.

"Did you just let yourself in?" Vision questioned her as she shrugged.

"Wanda dear, is she here." Agatha ignored his last statement. "I am taking her out for a much needed girls night out."

"Ok." He nodded. Agatha was shocked with how easy it was. "She will be in soon, she was just putting the laundry out to dry. You know, make use of the sun."

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