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"Lou, get on," Niall insists, patting the handlebar of the wonky trolley.

The wonky trolley isn't like one of those ordinary shopping trolleys. It's one where there's one side missing so you can easily drag shit to and from it without breaking a backbone out of place. It also only has two working wheels, so it has a mind of its own.

I step onto the wooden platform of the trolley, balancing with my arms either side of me. Niall begins pushing the trolley and the first thing it does is go sideways and bump straight into the fish ornaments, the fragile things clanking together and one drops.

We both watch it hit the floor, the fake coral on the treasure chest snapping off.

I snort, eyes wide. Niall simply kicks it under the shelf.

"Don't tell anyone, and they won't know," he mutters, pulling the trolley back to straight before running again.

"What are you two doing?" a voice sounds, making us both startle.

I whip my head around to see the familiar dark chocolate hair that classifies as black, flopping into his just as dark eyes. He leans casually against the wall, phone pursed in his hand, hiding away from Darren and his prying eyes.

"Fuckin' hell, Zayn, thought you were management. I actually let a brick out," Niall curses, putting a hand to his heart.

Zayn giggles and steps onto the trolley, sitting cross legged on the floor of it.

"I need to go to the warehouse to grab some dog food. Take me there," he insists, not looking up from his phone.

I lean over him whilst Niall lugs us around. I see he's on Snapchat and poke my tongue out at the camera.

"Louis, where are you?" Darren asks over the headsets.

I click the button on mine, rolling my eyes. "'M just facing up cats," I lie, leaning against the rail of the trolley whilst Niall punches in the code for us to move through to the stockroom.

"Can you clean the fish, please. Siphon is in the cupboard, try get the crap off the bottom. Tropical is proper algae up so concentrate on them for us, mate."

I flip off no one in particular, hoping that maybe Darren can see through his walls of his shop.

I step off the trolley, ruffle Zayn's hair. "I'll see you for our smoke break."

Zayn waves a hand casually, Niall frowning now that I'm leaving our little fun.

I wander over to the fish on the back wall, spotting Nova at the next aisle over where they keep the reptile items.

"Nova!" I sing, waving.

She tucks a strand of her cropped brown hair behind her ear, a small smile coming to play. She doesn't talk much, gets on with the work. It's probably why Darren loves her so much, she's the only one that doesn't complain or cause mischief.

I find it boring not having a bit of fun when at work. Like come on, surely customers would much prefer seeing us having a good time in a happy environment instead of being miserable cunts.

I grab the Siphon and begin pumping the tube in order for it to start sucking. I watch as the bits of old mushy food gets sucked up into the pipe and out of mind, the fish swimming away to not get in the way.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I'm quick to fish it out (pun intended). I see a message from Jade, telling me to check Harry's recent.

I go into the lad's Instagram and spot the selfie sitting there. His eyes look tired and half lidded, green eyes sparkling within the light. His dimples cave in the smallest amount either side of his rosy cheeks, a soft smile on his face. There's a bit of gloss amongst his mouth and I want to know if it's flavoured. I want to taste them on mine.

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