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"You know, it's your fault if we're late," Jade snaps, her hands almost trembling from where she holds her cabin luggage, charging over toward the passport pass line. 

I'm jogging on behind her, feeling as though my balls will drop off from the heat from running the rest of the way inside the airport after being dropped off, and the sticky heat inside. It's warm outside, so a tshirt was needed to be worn. I'm wearing my pink Harry Styles merch tshirt, I won't admit that it's ugly as fuck, but it's Harry, so of course I bought it. It's not cool enough though, and I have the urge to peel my skin off.

I've never felt so nervous. My heart hasn't stopped jumping. I barely slept last night, and when I finally drifted into sleep, I slept through the first alarm and we were almost late for our taxi. It's also not my fault that I stood in the shower for twenty minutes, thinking of what is to come, contemplating if I should just turn my back and run far, far away. The unknown is slightly scary, alright? 

It's also not my fault that I stood in front of my wardrobe for an extra ten minutes deciding on what to wear for this trip. I couldn't make myself walk out the darn house standing out like a sore thumb! I also have to show everyone who I'm property of, and Harry's merch does just that. 

"We're not going to be late! They wouldn't dare leave without us, we're Harry's personal hype men," I reply, nose in the air. I flash my passport and I'm going through toward the next phase of airport security.

"I'll personally murder you with my bare hands and get Harry to sign your corpse if you make us late," is all she replies, shaking her head and dragging her hair over her shoulder. 

We finally make it to the lounge for our flight, and there's only a few people left going through into the tunnel toward where our plane sits. I can see it through the large windows, the white metal beaming the sunlight, causing the rays to blind my eyes. 

"Wait!" Jade screams out when the hostess goes to close the gates. 

They turn, smile and keep the door open. "Quickly! Plane needs to leave!"

We leg it, I overtake Jade, feeling my legs fly over the polished floor. We show our tickets and the lady quirks a brow.

"You're in business class?" she ponders. "Lucky couple, what special date is this for?"

Jade smirks. "The special date is Louis marrying Harry Styles," she teases. 

The hostess looks dumbstruck and we giggle, running through the tunnel.

"I didn't know we were business class!" I admit. I tap the outside of the plane with my hand for luck and an air hostess helps us toward the business class section which is divided with a thick curtain.

Jade huffs for a breath. "I didn't check the ticket for that, either."

We find our seats and I fight her for the window seat, pushing her out the way, resulting in us almost wrestling each other to the floor. I shove my bum into the seat before she can even try.

"Please, Ma'am, take a seat," the air hostess asks politely.

A man opposite us tuts, shaking his head toward us. I want to flip him off, but don't want to make us lose this privilege of being here. I run my hand over the spacious chair, noticing buttons on the side. I click one and a divider begins raising up to block out Jade's seat.

"Oh, this is needed!" I cheer, leaning back, kicking my feet up and putting my belt on. 

The divider falls back down and I frown toward Jade, who's brows are creased toward me. 

"Don't be a dick. The least you can do is keep it down so I can see the sky," she snaps, chucking her luggage in the space above our heads. She slumps down, closing her eyes. "I might nap."

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