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I huff out a sigh.

Only five more days until the potential concert I'm going to.

Five days.

I can live through until then.

I have to face up the whole of the shop with Chris and Zayn. But what makes it worse is that we are in different sections, so we can't occupy our time with talking.

I shove the pink harness on the back rail to hide it. There's no bar code on that one and I'm honestly too drained to walk all the way to the tills (about twenty steps away) to add the barcode number to a piece of paper and stick it on the harness.

I step back to admire my work, pursing my lips in thought. All harnesses and leads are off the floor and hanging up. So that's good enough for me.

I turn on my heel, singing quietly under my breath Kiwi, going to the back of the store to the cat aisle to start there.

I press the button on the headset. "Niall watch out behind you!" I rush out.

I snicker to myself as I bring cat food from the back of the shelf forward.

"Son of a bitch, thought you were gonna ransack me or sommet. Don't do that!" Niall replies.

Zayn's laughter flitters through my ear along with pretty much every other colleague beside Darren.

"Come on, guys, let's crack on," Darren urges.

I flip off the air as if he's the particles that make up O2.

"I'm having your baby," I mumble, starting to whistle the rest of the tune.

I look to the time on my phone, wallpaper flashing that beautiful dimple smile that I wish I could just poke a cheek.

I've got four hours left of work.



"Oh my fucking God," Niall says through the headset, voice evidently shocked, but I know him better.

I huff, grinning. "Niall, you can't get me back that quickly, I'm on high guard," I reply.

"Where's Louis at the moment?" Niall says, his voice quick, almost panicked.

"I'm not telling you that! You're gonna through fake spiders at me again, or shove frozen meat down my back."

"Okay, well, not to freak you out, Louis, but Harry Styles is quite literally walking toward the cat aisle as we speak," he replies, now sounding both worried, excited, and scared all in one, voice high pitched and I'll give it to him, he's a good actor.

I roll my eyes, biting back a grin. The large bag of cat food that I've brought forward topples over and I bend down to slap it into shape, tossing it back onto the shelf with a heavy clang.

"Very funny, Niall," I muse, shaking my head to myself.

I hum the tune to Liam's song Rude Hours when it pops into my head, mixing into one with the tune of Harry's Lights Up.

"Step into the light," I sing softly, barely above a whisper. I don't want customers to hear my extravagant voice and swoon over me.

"Excuse me," a deep slow drawl of a voice asks politely, making both my tummy to flutter at the tone, but also refrain from rolling my eyes.

I'm not really wanting to help customers today, majority of them can be right dicks.

I muster up a smile, turning my head round. "Hi how can I... he-lp..." my voice falters, getting caught in my throat.

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