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My nerves are through the roof after previous day's scenarios. After scrubbing and scrubbing my skin with Zayn's loofah and his delicious woodsy scented shower gel, I still couldn't seem to feel clean

I slept lightly last night, cuddled up to Zayn as he insisted I sleep on the comfy bed with him instead of the half messy carpeted floor. I didn't protest, his bed is of many of those that I classify as comfortable. It must be to do with the fact that the matress doesn't make you sink too far in, or feel as though it's made of a plank of wood. 

I rub at my eye whilst I hold a damp tissue in my other hand, sitting cross legged in front of the hamster glass cages, wiping their glass doors clean from kids' grubby fingerprints. I stifle a yawn, trying to get at a very stubborn print. 

I hear the rustle coming from inside someone's pocket as they walk, knowing instantly that it's Niall due to the fact that he stashes secret sweets in his cargos in order to snack throughout the day. It's quite handy, actually, because when you're starving hungry after skipping the lunch hour due to shitty contracts and almost flaking out on the spot, he's always there to save your sugar levels from plummeting too far. 

"So," he asks acusatingly, smirk on his face. 

I quirk a brow at him, the tsh of the spray hitting the glass filling the silence now falling between us. The light squeak of the soggy blue roll against the glass replaces the spray sounds. 

"So what?" I mutter, brows creased in concentration. 

Fucking budge you stupid fingerprint.

He shoves his hands in his back pockets, leaning up against his heels. "How was your night last night?"

I stiffen slightly. I'm not wanting to tell anyone on what happened during my so called 'date.' Not yet, anyway. Only Zayn is allowed to know, because it's so profoundly humiliating that it gets my breath caught in my throat and my toes to want to curl inward like Harry's hair. 

Yeah. Harry. let's think of him to occupy my mind before it crowds with darkness and makes me want to pull my skin off my body. 

I take a deep breath in. "Nothing happened, if that's what you're implying. And quite frankly, I'm glad it didn't. Guy was a dick," I mumble, hand still working at the glass. 

Ah. That's why it won't come off. It's on the other side of the glass

I get up swiftly, reaching behind the till, leg propped in the air for balance and fishing the keys with its keychain of a dog from its place on one of the cupboard doors, turning on my heel and stalking back to the hamsters. I take my time finding the correct key. 

"Was the sex really that awful?" Niall teases, but it still causes a lump to lodge itself right in my gullet. 

I clear my throat discreetly, unlocking the glass door and sliding it across slightly, just enough to fit my hand inside. 

"There was no sex involved," I whisper, spraying the blue roll and rubbing it against the inside of the glass. 

Rustling is heard, the sawdust moving on the left side and little whiskers twitch in the air, followed by a plump brown body, eyes bleary. I smile down at the hamster, petting it with my finger which causes it to startle and go on its hind legs, screeching in defence. I continue on the glass. 

Niall crosses his arms, scoffing. "You don't go on a date for the first time in four years, and not decide to strip down to the nude and bring a cock into your mouth."

"You're speaking as if you've had experience," I give back, wanting the attention off me. 

He giggles, a small flush hitting his cheeks. "What can I say, it's how Jade and I got to date two, I gave incredible sex on the first night."

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