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Colourful bursts of feathers trail along the floor on the side of the road, some fluttering into the air and falling down like snow.

It's like Yellow Bird—or whatever the fuck that huge creepy yellow bird from that one show is called— exploded and is now laying dead on the floor.

Fans trail along the side of the pavement, tents and rubbish scittering the place, chatter like bees in a hive, everyone excited for tonight.

It's currently twelve in the afternoon. I was awake at four this morning in order to get ready and Jade dragged me to the train station, then through the tubes. I'm glad she did though, because we are number eighty six in the early entrance line, meaning if we run fast enough, we can get a great view of Harry.

Jade looks gorgeous as ever in her black glittery jumpsuit that hugs all the right places to make her pretty curves more prominent. She has contacts in, so no need to lose her glasses headbanging to Kiwi this time. She's got smoky eyeshadow on and some red lipstick that really bring out her blue eyes.

Mum was able to get the day off today, thankfully, meaning Doris and Ernest have a guardian with them, and meaning I'm seeing the love of my life twice in one week.

I have my sign tucked safely under my legs, not wanting it to get dirty or ruined whilst Jade and I pass back and forth a water bottle that is certainly not filled with vodka. Don't be obsurd!

We also have a spare water bottle, this one actually filled with water, and there's a spread of Maccies before us.

I snatch at a chicken nugget, dunking it into my ketchup.

I look at myself in the reflection of my phone, frowning at the eyeliner that swipes under my waterline of my eyes that Jade insisted I have. Not to mention the light golden glitter eyeliner that swipes the eyelids just before my eyelashes begin, shimmering in the warm sun.

I can feel sweat sheering my forehead, and I'm glad I packed some roll on antiperspirant to keep us from getting too smelly. We don't want to stink out the pit, now do we.

I shift from where I sit, tailbone beginning to hurt. I could really do with a chair right now, and I'm tempted to pull the camp chair from under the girl beside us who's dressed head to toe in cherry accessories.

Someone must be very passionate over that specific stunt song.

I sigh, leaning against the side of the barrier. There's security guards walking back and forth every now and again, and Jade and I have become quite chummy with one of them named Giovana.

Speaking of the devil. She begins walking closer toward us, belt with a walkie talkie and potentially pepper spray strapped securely from inside it.

She smiles nicely toward us, waving, brown eyes kind. "I've been looking for you two!"

Jade quirks a brow. "We've been sitting here since the beginning," she replies.

Giovana waves her off. "I forgot which side of that tent you were," she replies, pointing to the red tent a few people down.

I shake my head, holding up the pot of chips. "Chippy? You must be fucking starving."

She blushes a little and accepts the offer quickly, shyly plucking a chip and popping it into her mouth. "Thanks, Louis," she says around the chip.

"Have you heard any more news over the fan made lines?" Jade asks.

There was a rumour earlier that the fan made lines were forbidden, that they will let everyone that came after twelve this afternoon to go into the venue first.

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