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I only dreamt of how fun it is with Liam. All night last night, we played FIFA as he was able to slither his way in to ask the front desk for a PlayStation. I don't know how he managed it, if it was his charm or purely because he's famous. Either way, it worked and we sat up playing match after match, beer bottles piling up further and further until there wasn't any surface of the desk in the room left. 

I don't remember going back to my room last night, but I didn't drink that much so that's a bit baffling. My answers get spoken when I stir out of sleep. I nestle my head further into the pillow, finding it a little strange that it's shorter than I remember. I go to turn, but feel the edge of the bed so stop myself. I peel an eye open, looking through sleep blurred vision to the TV that has a kids cartoon showing on it. I look to the left of me to be faced with the back of the sofa I apparently was sleeping on. I pop my head up over it to see the large windows showing the sunny day outside. 

We don't have a sofa in our room, that's only for grand rooms, like the one Liam has, and probably what Harry has. 

My eyes widen when I hear shuffling to the right of me and a light cough, then a sniff. I peer over to see Liam plodding his way over, hair all dishevelled, with a tray of pastries and breakfast bits on it. The silver of the tray sparkles whenever the sun hits it, almost blinding me so I squint one eye half shut.

And shit! I slept over in Liam's room. Did I cross any boundaries? Is he going to shoo me out like a stray cat? Why for the love of God didn't Jade wake me up to put me into bed last night?

"Hey, mate, sleep alright?" Liam asks when he spots me awake, giving me a warm smile.

I swallow. "Wh- I have so many questions." I shake my head, huffing a sigh. "I didn't cross any boundaries staying here, right? Because if you want me to go, I can, I'll be glad to go, I don't want you to think I'm a crazed fan wanting to see your every move, because sure, I am a fan of yours, like huge, not as much as Zayn, I mean Zayn, hah, he wants your babies and marry you and all that, but I'm not like that, I am no way a fan in that way, I respect your boundaries, I promise, though I do feel like that towards Harry..." I ramble, getting lost in a fantasy where H and I are married and have like three kids, ones that love to paint and do poetry, whilst also loving to play footie and do drama. 

"Louis," Liam says sternly, holding a hand up, smile never leaving his face, cheeks creeping in a small blush. "You didn't cross anything. You crashed out when Cel and Jade were playing a match on FIFA. Jade was persistent to take you back to the room, moaning about how you didn't sleep a wink the previous night, so it's better off that you were asleep. But then Harry had the bright idea that you stay here. He said you looked too peaceful to disturb. He was very persistent himself in keeping you here, undisturbed. I was alright with the idea, means I wouldn't wake up lonely." He gives a short soft laugh, scratching his arm and looking a little timid after that last sentence.

"You must get really lonely living on the road," I state sadly. 

He shrugs a shoulder, pours orange juice into two glasses and hands one to me. "It gets lonely, period. Road or no road. It's quite tricky trying to form friends and relationships when the majority of the people just want to use you because you have a name that's well known. I remember a girl asking to be my friend when we bumped into each other in a club. I was like, sure, why not? I've never really had many friends, just H and Cel, really. But then she leaked my location for likes and follows on Twitter. I got swarmed by fans outside the club, had to call my security guards to come get me." 

I watch his face, see the way it ghosts over in shadows, eyes sinking. I want to give the lad a hug. He's one of those soft souls that you want to look after and take under your wing forever. So I am going to do just that.

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