twenty eight

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Harry gives me a shit eating grin when I lazily gaze over toward him from the other side of the sofa on the tour bus.

I quirk a brow his way, and he hides his smile into his shoulder, chewing at his thumb nail with a slight snort.

"What have you done? You look guilty as fuck," I ask, shifting in my seat, pulling the hems of my shorts down since they're riding up uncomfortably.

He shrugs a shoulder. "So you know how Jade has been video calling Niall about how much she misses him?"

I groan, peeping behind my shoulder from where she's sat near the front of the bus, giggling with Ny Oh. I turn back toward Harry, motioning with my hand for him to carry on.

"Well, I found Niall's socials... and I, erm... I may or may not have sent him plane tickets to the next city." He begins nawing at his nails again, seemingly nervous.

I roll my eyes, standing up and slumping on his lap, crossing one leg over the other. "You're a sneaky little shit, aren't you," I state.

He giggles, nodding his head and leaning it onto my shoulder. "I wanted to meet him. Meeting your friends is important, because I've already let you meet mine." He nods his head toward Celine and Liam.

I sigh. It's sweet that he's saying this, but my thoughts from before about the fact that this most likely won't last long, what with the contracts we'd have to sign if his management found out, which I'm surprised they haven't as yet. The way Harry will mostly get bored with the whole secrecy of everything between us, and having to do all this pap walks with girls, is something I'm not wanting to be a part of or see, because it's very hard and unfortunate to see. I pity the people that have to go through with it, but they're braver than I could ever be.

But would I rather be alone for life or have to fake relationships whilst keeping the real one secret?

I haven't really figured that out too much, yet. My brain ping pongs continuously between yes and no, and it is tiring to figure it out.

So I guess taking it one day at a time is the best I can do for now, instead of ruining everything between us.

He kisses my bare shoulder where my vest top doesn't cover it, and I feel my skin tingle from where his lips have just been.

"You're amazing, you know that?" I whisper, kissing him repeatedly on his cheek, causing it to turn pink.

"I'd like to think of myself as a sort of genius!" he replies loudly, stretching his arms up above his head with a cheesy grin.

"When is he arriving?" I ponder, stroking patterns up his arms, which brings goosebumps to form up them.

"His flight took off just over an hour ago. So by the time we get to the next hotel, he most likely will be at the airport or at the hotel."

I sigh a little, nuzzling my nose into his neck where a floral sweet perfume lingers. I have the urge to lick it but refrain. I squeeze his thigh.

"You're amazing."

He giggles at that. We go over a bump, me bouncing against his lap. He wraps his arms securely around me so I don't fall from my perch, and the butterflies assault me.

It takes ages until we get to the next hotel due to the traffic. I stand up from Harry's lap and stretch, pins and needles creeping up my feet and spreading into my calves.

Harry takes my hand and I bring it over my shoulder so it lays limply against my chest, my hand still entwined with his.

Jade quirks a brow and motions with her fingers of something so obsurd I probably shouldn't say... okay she did a hole and a finger going inside it, grinning my way.

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