thirty two

151 6 2

It's been a month since Harry came to my house.

A month where I told him he could be as normal around me as ever, and he agreed.

That is probably one of the reasons as to why I woke up to him being completely stark naked, wandering around the hotel room without a care in the world.

I had to squint my eyes shut and concentrate on my breathing, or else I'd get blue balls and sport a boner or something.

Do you understand how perky his arse really is? I do. And man, do I want to wake up to that again.

We're in the restaurant of the hotel, already being able to see the line of fans across the road where the stadium is through the tinted glass of the windows.

Jade slumps beside me, yawning into the back of her hand before she flops her head on my shoulder.

"You alright?" I ponder, seeing as she has turned an ashen green colour.

She shakes her head. "I don't feel too well. I think it was that chicken pasta from last night."

I hum in thought. "Maybe... didn't Ny'Oh and Nialler have the same, though?"

She nods, leaning her hand against her forehead. "Yeah. But I haven't seen Ny this morning, and I texted Niall to see if he was the same, but he hasn't woken up yet."

I pause, thinking, chewing at my lip. "Well, you were okay on the plane here, and surely it would've happened before then, no?"

Jade shrugs. "Don't know."

Harry comes over again from going up to the buffet, placing a small plate of pastries in front of me, the smell of the buttery goodness already hitting my nose, and it makes my mouth salivate

Jade abruptly stands, covering her mouth, and she's rushing out the room toward the toilets.

"Is she okay?" Harry ponders.

I shrug a shoulder, grabbing my phone to text Celine to go in the girl's bathroom to check on Jade for me. "She's sick. She thinks it's the pasta from last night."

Harry hums in thought. "Maybe it was. It did look a little pink."

I shake my head, breaking my croissant in half and taking a bite. "Thanks for the brekky, bubs."

He squeezes my thigh from under the table. I'm wearing a pair of checkered shorts, so the thin material doesn't leave much for the imagination with the way his warm palm seeps into my skin.

Them pesky butterflies are back in my tummy, and I smile up toward him.

Pauli comes over then, sitting at the large table reserved for us. He slouches in the chair beside Harry, huffing heavily.

"I am going to murder Carlos after the shit he pulled on me last night," Pauli grumbles.

I quirk a brow. "What's he done?"

"He thought it would be hilarious to shove my hand in some ice water. You know how humiliating it is asking the housekeeper for fresh sheets?" He shakes his head in defeat.

Harry pulls Pauli in for a hug, cooing lightly to him. "It's okay," he bumbles.

"Thanks, little Sue."

I can't help feel the jealousy lap at me when I see them cuddled up together. Because that should be me.

I need to remind myself that they're just friends, and Harry quite literally said before that he would want to pop the question on being my boyfriend one day. But for now, I guess we go unlabelled.

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