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I can't get out of this daydream haze.

It's like all my mind is occupied with is Harry, Harry, Harry. Which, okay, fair enough it was like that before but this, this is different.

He has acknowledged us, came in to talk and gave us an opportunity of a life time.

Jade's right. This is like living in a Wattpad story, and Wattpad story me would be kicking and screaming and throwing up right now if it was true.

But instead I'm at work on the tills scanning through some dog food.

We haven't heard from Harry for a week now. He's been ia on social media, his fans have no fucking clue where he is, there's rumours that he's gone to LA— after his last show which is the one we had, so we know it's not true— with a girl that he liked a photo on over at Instagram.

It's nice to know he's with his mum, but I miss him already.

It's bad, really really bad and I need to get out of this mind set.

"Has it all gone through?" the customer asks, her card hesitantly reaching back to her purse.

I snap out my thoughts, look down at the screen and give her a smile. "Yeah, sorry, been a long day."

She scoffs. "Tell me about it." She gives me a friendly smile and waves goodbye.

Niall drapes over the counter then as no more customers are around.

It's been a quiet boring day today.

He groans into the chipped oak, rolling onto his back and look up at me from behind. He reaches his arms out like a needy toddler.

"I'm bored," he drones. "Entertain me."

I find a tennis ball that a kid left behind and thump it onto his nose.

"Hours of fun," I say back, voice caked with as much boredom as his own. "Why don't you go annoy Jade?"

He huffs. "She's still on break and Darren is upstairs, I don't want him yelling at me... want another game of frisbee?"

I shake my head. "Not after last time, no."

Suddenly, a ball is plummeting through the air and bounces off the doors and onto Niall's head.

I whip my head around, giggles escaping my mouth when Niall begins to swear and rub the sore spot. I spot the dark hair behind one of the shelves, and his laughter travels with it.

"Did you seriously lob a ball?" I ask on a laugh, Zayn coming out of hiding.

He holds up a ball launcher in triumph. "These just came in through the delivery, aren't they sick?"

Naill grabs it out of Zayn's hands when he's standing beside him before I can reach for it. He pulls the trigger and a ball hits Zayn in the head.

Zayn hisses and I rip the launcher from both of them to play with.

"Payback is sweet!" Niall cheers.

"Nialler, go long," I command, aiming the ball diagonal down toward the cat aisle.

Niall disappears and his voice calls out, "Okay, I'm ready."

I shoot and wait in anticipation to rather hear a cheer, a cry, or a smash.

A cheer rings through and the ball is being thrown back.

"I found three more launchers!" Niall hollers.

"Hand us one!" Zayn pleads.

"Get it yourself, you lazy tosser."

Zayn groans and dissapears out of sight.

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