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The sheet of paper rustles loudly in my hands as I set it down before us in my bedroom.

Niall lays on the bed unbothered, flipping through his phone with earphones in to watch a show of some sort.

Jade is grabbing all my pens and pencils from my drawer, dumping them on the floor before switching the song Summer Love from Daddy Issues to their song Killer.

The electric guitar riff starts and the beat of the drums causes us to stomp our feet to the beat like they used to on stage, heads hung low before we flip our hair back and begin head banging to the beat drop.

I slump back down onto the floor, kicking my feet in the air and reaching into the packet of crisps beside us, munching away at it. My phone is open to a few pages for some ideas, because as much as I told Harry I had many jokes.

I only had the fucking one.

"Why not do the one about the Mexican?" Jade suggests.

I shrug, writing the idea down into my Power Ranger notebook anyway. I tap the pen against the lined paper, drumming my fingers along the sheet of paper before me as well.

"There's one here about a toaster." I thumb my bottom lip. "Maybe that'll do for one. I don't want them to be clean, clean ones are too corny and not funny at all."

Jade rolls her eyes. "This is Harry we're talking about, Lou. He finds any joke funny. Remember the one where he talked about the sea waving or something? We all laughed to make him feel better."

I snort at that, swatting her arm. "Don't be rude to my baby."

"You're so sure you're going to sweep him off his feet?" she asks with a grin.

I nod sharply. "You were able to sweep Niall off his feet, anything is possible."

She gasps and smacks my head down into the paper to the point where it creases.

I frown at her, flip her off.

"Play nice, children," Niall mumbles from the bed.

Jade chucks a few crisps at him and he picks them off the bed, muching slowly away at it, not looking up from his phone screen.

Jade claps her hands. "What about this for an outfit choice?" she asks, turning her phone over to show a Pinterest board of HSLOT outfits.

I gaze over the flared jeans and the green crop top to realise she's talking for herself. Not me.

"Very nice," I bumble. "But can you find outfit ideas for me? As well? Because, like, I don't think flared jeans fit with my own aesthetic, and I'd look weird in them."

"They'll make your legs look taller," she states.

"Something you need," Niall chimes in and I flip him off when he gives me a side eye and cackles.

"What about this?" Jade shows me her phone again.

I give her a pointed look. "Jade, seriously, can you see me in a fucking laced gemstone sleeveless crop?"

She bites her lip to contain her giggles. "No, but Harry, I could."

"I'm not Harry, he's my other half!"

"Alright! But we are dressing as watermelons to one of the shows, I'm not taking no for an answer."

I groan and flop my back onto the floor, swinging my arm over my eyes.

She gasps. "Oh! What about this?" She turns the phone to show some white rolled up jeans, painted with sunflowers. "The website says they're half off! You could pair it with a black Harry top from Etsy."

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