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I slump against the door to the hotel room, eyes barely able to open. Sun glints through the window now that the curtains are drawn open, skies surprisingly blue.

Jade is ramming the last tiny bottle of hotel shower creme into her bag, the zip echoing around us. She gives me a look in the corner of her eye and I'm taking this much to keep mine fucking open.

"You sure you're okay?" she ponders.

I sigh. "Yes, Jade, I'm more than capable of walking around with only two hours of sleep in my pocket. You forget that I've got younger siblings that used to cry all night as babies."

She scoffs. "Bet it was you doing all the crying."

I flip her off. "I'll just sleep on the plane, it's fine."

Jade shakes her head. "The plane journey is only, what, two hours? Three?"

I shrug a shoulder, running my hands over my face. I can feel my stubble going to the untidy side of things, but I couldn't care less right now. I feel like shit, may as well look the part n all.

"It's better than just two hours of sleep from in here. Can say I had four, then."

My phone bleeps and I startle slightly, picking it up out of my Daddy Issues merch hoodie pocket. I bite my lip to contain a smile.

"Is that Styles? I bet it is, you would never look at your phone like that if you were texting someone like Zayn," Jade converses, walking over quickly to read the text over my shoulder.

H: mooooorninggggg! Hope you two are ready for a great day of flying and sound check ahead of us! We are leaving the hotel in forty five mins, so I suggest you get ready to pack.

"But why do we have to leave when they do? Our plane doesn't leave until one this afternoon!" Jade inputs.

That's when another message comes in and my heart practically leaves my chest.

H: Oh, yeah, forgot to say, haha!! You're now flying with us! I've changed all flights of yours so you guys can get to know the team a bit better, as you're now a part of this team. I did say we're friends, this is the start to that. Meet us down in the lobby in half an hour :)

Me: WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Wow, great communication skills there, Lou," Jade sasses.

I begin fanning myself, heat creeping in in all directions to attack my skin. "Since when was we part of the team?" I grip onto Jade's shoulders, shaking her so that her hair flies around her face. "You realise this means we are going to be sitting next to Mitch on the plane? We get to talk to our biological father!"

Jade slaps me upside the head in order for me to let her go. "He's the same age as us, you absolute flannel."

I poke my tongue out at her and grab my shit from the floor, cramming the odd socks and shorts into my bag. I prop my sunglasses on my nose so I can look a little less like a zombie about to eat Harry, and go for the door.

"Um, Louis," Jade calls. I turn to look at her. "Forgetting something?"

I purse my lips in thought and shake my head. She holds up from behind her back my passport that I left on the bed and my eyes go wide at that mistake. Thank fuck she noticed, or I'd be going no where through the airport.

I snatch it from her hands, giving her temple a light kiss and skip off for the lobby. I don't mind waiting down there for a bit, I'm fucking starving, so I might just by some shit from the vending machine.

When we get to the lobby, half of the crew is already down there. Ny Oh is leaning against the reception desk, laughing easily with the receptionist, whilst Pauli is playing a card game with Harry and Carlos— their security guard.

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