twenty one

365 13 119

The sun is blaring and warms up my skin on my legs from where I'm wearing shorts and a tank top. I feel a little self conscious strolling beside Harry who looks fucking incredible like always, wearing pink shorts and a cute yellow top.

"So how have you liked tour so far?" Harry asks, looking toward me behind the sunglasses shielding his eyes.

"I won't lie, it's been the best week of my life. I've always dreamt of seeing you live, but I never had the opportunity as money is a very tricky thing for my family... sorry, I probably sound like such a sorry arse craze fan, I'll shut up."

Harry waves me off. "I want to get to know you for you, and if a crazed fan is a part of you, then I have to know them, too."

"I want to get to know you for you, too, H. I want to know the H, not the Harry Styles on stage but the real you. If you'd allow me, that is."

"Course I will, didn't just let you be in our team without getting to know us truthfully. But it might take some time for me to open up. That's just who I am," Harry points out.

I kick a stranded stone into the middle of the road, watching it scatter away and go under a car wheel.

"Take all the time you need. Why don't we start with the basic questions?"

"Alright, what's your favourite colour?" Harry ponders.

"Red," I instantly reply. "What's yours?"

Orange and blue, I know this, I don't have to ask, it's in his interviews.

"My all time favourite colour is..."


"Pink," he replies, a little timid.

I look toward him. "Huh, thought it was Orange and blue."

Harry gives me a sad smile, turning to walk backwards. He holds his arms outstretched either side of him. "You shouldn't assume, that's Harry Styles tm's favourite colour. Thought you wanted to know the real me?" He steps up onto a pastry shop's step and pushes the door open with his hip.

"I do," I mutter, following him like a lost puppy to the counter that fills to the brim with different pastries and cakes and biscuits.

The smell of bakery wafts through the nose and makes my tummy rumble.

"Two éclairs, please. And two ice teas," Harry asks. He turns to look at me. "That's for me, what you having? Joking, I'm joking. You okay with those two items?"

I roll my eyes at his pathetic joke before nodding. "Sure, why not?"

I go to grab my card from my wallet, but Harry has already tapped his own onto the machine and is grabbing the paper bags. He gives his thanks, tips the lady who served us and takes lead on going outside, handing me my drink and éclair.

"Thank you, you didn't have to pay for me. I was about to pay for both of us!" I say, taking a bite of the sickly sweet pastry.

"Sorry, force of habit. Next time, you can pay, how about that?"

My tummy flutters and I contain myself from screaming at the statement of next time.

"Deal," I quietly answer.

"So, tell me, any siblings?" Harry asks through a mouthful of éclair.

"Six," I reply. "Though, majority of them live with my step dad due to a deal between my mum and him. I've got five sisters and one brother."

Harry's eyebrows has almost reached his hairline. "Jesus, and I thought living with Gem was a handful when I was at home! How many live with you and your mother?"

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