twenty three

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I feel like I'm being ganged up on. Both Dor and Ernie continuously throw the eggs I'm trying to make into hard boiled, onto the floor before they're even in the pan.

Meaning there's egg yolk everywhere, and they keep smearing the mess into my jeans and hair once they step up onto their stools, chubby small hands slimy against my cheek. And the worst part is, when I go to grab the mop, I slip on the egg and plummet to the floor with a thud, taking the fucking egg carton down with me.

So we have no eggs for our picnic, but no biggy. We still have the sausage rolls, which I think was their plan all along. Lottie is the one to enjoy the eggs anyway.

"What has gone on in here?" Dan asks from the kitchen doorway, no anger laced in his tone, just tiredness.

The impact of losing his job has really struck him, and I won't admit that I've heard him cry to Mum some nights about how he doesn't know what they'll do to survive with less money.

I can't help but feel a little guilty as if it's my fault to begin with, going to Harry's shows and all.

"Dadda! Achoo is yucky!" Doris says with a huge smile, pointing at me who's still on the floor.

My arse fucking kills after that fall.

"Hm, I can see that. Guessing the picnic making isn't going to plan?" Dan asks, striding over and holding a hand out for me.

I clasp it in mine and his biceps bulge as he pulls me to my feet.

"Now how about Louis goes to clean up himself, and I help you lot to get this cleaned up, hm?" Dan suggests.

"Thanks, mate, pretty sure I can feel some yolk in my arse."

"Arse!" Ernest yells.

"No-no, we don't use that word!" Dan exasperates, giving me a stern look, making me wince.

"Arse!" Doris cackles.

"Arse, arse, arse!" they both scream out.

I grab either one of their hands. "Poppets, we don't say that word, it's naughty and I shouldn't have said it. I'm sorry."

Ernest pouts. "Sowwy, Achoo."

"Arse," Doris can't help but speak.

I pat Dan on the shoulder. "You're on your own on that one, mate."

He groans. "Thanks, Lou."

I skip up the stairs and into the bathroom, stripping off and turning the shower on to cool. I step in and quickly wash every ounce of egg off my body.

Isn't there a thing where eggs are good for your hair?

At least I'll have luscious locks like Harry.

A pang of hurt hits my chest. I didn't realise I could miss someone so much after only spending so little time with them.

I hop out the shower before I can cry, drying myself off and shooting a text to the curly lad to let him know that I do, in fact, miss him dearly.

I get dressed in a yellow button-down cotton shirt and denim shorts. I should look at least a little decent to show the girls and Dad that I'm not suffering with the lack of Harry.

I skip into the kitchen to find the place spotless, and the picnic bag all packed and ready to go.

Dan is just filling up the twin's water bottles, Doris taking her Frozen one, Ernest his PJ Masks one.

Doris toddles over, holding the bottle above her head by the handle. "Look! 'S Elsa!"

"It is Elsa. What bottle does Louis get?" I ask.

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