twenty two

358 13 126

Post concert depression hits harder when you're supposedly friends with the person on stage, and those surrounding them.

Going back to work feels like hell, and the customers piss me off even more than they used to.

"Cannot believe you slept in Liam's room when you were gone," Zayn mutters, shoving bags of dog food onto the shelf.

I sigh heavily through my nose, not wanting to stock shelves, let alone be here. "It was an accident and only happened once. You know my heart is set on Harold, so no need to get jealous." I bop him on the nose and he crossed his eyes to look at it.

"I'm not jealous," he tries to convince.

"You're not convincing anyone. Just so you know, Liam asked of you so of course I gave him insider info about you. May have given away a bit too much information, though. So he knows you have a crush on him."

He slaps me on the arm and chest. "Tommo! I cannot believe you did that, oh my God, you're embarrassing me," he whines out, faking a cry.

"As if that's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done," Niall chimes, coming around the corner with a trolley full of puppy toys. "May I remind you of the time you screamed out for someone to shut up, thinking it was your mum, for it to be the Tesco delivery?"

Zayn groans, laying a palm on his forehead. "Please don't remind me," he mutters.

Niall pats him on the shoulder. "There, there, at least it's not as bad as the time you tripped and spilt your sauce all down the Maccie's worker's uniform."

Zayn fakes a sob, lulling his head into my shoulder.

"God, I thought it was Harry and Liam you two were obsessed with, didn't know you were a fling yourselves," Jade says, pushing her glasses up on her face and dumping some dog food onto the shelf. "What we crying about?"

"The fact that we aren't at Harry's next five shows," I bumble sulkily.

She frowns. "Don't remind me, Lou. I just came back from the bathroom over a little cry."

Niall pulls her instantly into his side and begins stroking her hair. "You're alright, Petal," he coos. "You can still message Harry, didn't you say you're in a group chat with them all now?"

"I think it's Celine and Ny Oh I'm missing the most. We had really good connections. We had such a laugh, didn't have friends like that before."

"Oh, so I'm just a fucking acquaintance, is that it?" I snap halfheartedly.

She rolls her eyes. "You don't count. Nor does Zayn. You're my brothers. I've never really had girl friends before, was always more popular with the guys. It's nice being able to relate to people like me."

"What about Sarah?" Zayn asks.

She smiles. "She was mostly sucking off Mitch, no doubt. She was lovely, but never came out of her room much."

"Can you lot stop pissing around and get on with your job?" Darren bites, standing a few feet away.

I motion around us. "It's not like we're not doing it. Besides, there's fuck all customers in 'ere, they're probably all gone for a barbie and summer holiday!" I give back.

Darren points a finger at me. "You watch your mouth. I don't pay you to stand here and doolally."

"You don't pay us, anyway, the company does." I fold my arms challenging.

"I don't appreciate you talking back at me like that."

I grasp my trolley. "Whatever, you're disturbing us from working." With that, I stroll away.

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