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I'm practically trembling when the crowd thins and there's only a few people scattered around to grab the leftover feather boas and confetti off the floor.

Jade is squeezing my clammy hand so hard in hers, that her knuckles turn white. Her face has drained a little from colour and she swallows, taking a few deep breaths.

"Think 'm gonna pass out," she announces. "Or dry heave, I mean either or at this point."

I bark out a laugh, forcing my legs to just move toward the doors where the security are beckoning us toward.

We both fall into step with a few other people that have meet and greet passes, and I feel a little sick with the way there's only six of us going for a meet and greet.

There was four people that could win the competition, so it's surprising Harry even let us come to it too.

When we get through the small door and down a long corridor, being escorted into a room. The room itself is big with blue walls and carpets, a small bench to the left and a water pitcher beside the bench. Other than that there's not much in here.

Jade doesn't let go of my hand for a second, chewing on her bottom lip. I've never seen her this nervous before. She pats down the fly away hairs that have sprung up due to all the dancing we did in pit.

Soon, the door opens and the other fans in here scream. I'm not prepared when Harry comes in, his curls falling delicately atop his head like whipped cream from where it sits in its bun, his eyes shining brightly with post concert adrenaline. His cheeks are flushed, his dimples popping and those cute bunny teeth on show. He wears the same outfit as he did on stage, and he has a bottle of water clasped in his large hands.

"Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed the show," Harry speaks slowly, smile growing larger.

"Oh my God, Harry, I loved it!" a girl with watermelon attire states, eyes tearing up and blush coating her cheeks.

Harry gives his thanks. He scans the room, eyes landing on me and his smile turns soft.

"I really enjoyed your joke tonight," Harry states and I can't help the giggle.

"Would you prefer it if it was me saying it?" I joke, one of the girls scoffing and shaking her red hair head in annoyance.

Maybe I did go a little too far and bold with that one.

Before I can worry my head about it, Harry is humming. "Maybe, but let's just hope I don't hop when I hear it."

I can't help but roll my eyes. Jade groans.

"Did you come up with that one yourself?" she asks lightly with a grin. Her hand eases out of mine the more relaxed she gets.

"I did actually," Harry agrees with a nod, smiling.

"Well let's hope its not me jumping at the chance, because I won't lie to you, love, I would if I could," I say with a cheeky wink and my cheeks are practically on fire.

Harry cackles, slapping his hand over his mouth.

Jade huffs. "Harry, can I ask you something?"

Harry quirks a brow in question, his silence accepting.

Jade prods her finger into me. "Louis told me that the other day you went to our work and you met. I didn't want to believe it because it had to be the day I wasn't there."

Harry trails his eyes over toward me. "We did actually, yeah," he hums.

Jade slaps her forehead. "My goodness why does God hate me?" she mumbles.

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