twenty seven

403 18 66

"Louis, this is an absolute disaster!" Jade screeches from the bathroom.

I'm staring off into oblivion. Reliving the weirdest night of my life. Because, what the fuck do you mean that I slept in the same fucking room as Harry, in his fucking bed, and that we kissed in the open?

I lazily gaze over toward where the bathroom door is firmly shut. It swings open so fast, it almost comes off its hinges.

"I can sleep on the floor, if you'd like," I said to Harry last night, shyly scratching my arm.

"It's fine, there's enough space for you and Liam to sleep in this bed. Come on." He patted the right side of the bed where it was empty, him sprawled out on the left.

I sunk into the mattress, curling my legs up to my chest. Harry reached over and wrapped one arm around me.

"Sorry, I can let go if you want. I just... I can't sleep without—"

"It's fine. I'm okay with it," I breathed, heart rabbiting. There was a swirl in my stomach that pulled down into my balls.

Just knowing he was that close to me, was heaven.

"Louis William Tomlinson!" Jade screams in front of my face, making me flinch and snap out of my trance.

"Hello," I say, looking up at her. "What?"

She sputters. "What? What?! What, is the fact that my outfit doesn't fit!" she hisses. It's now that I realise she's holding her arm across her boobs, a thin bit of fabric being seen below her arm.

I can't help but bite my lip in order not to laugh. "What's wrong with it?" I ponder.

With her spare hand, she presses her fingers against her temples. "I should've gone for the size up. But the reviews online said it was true to size, but then again, they were girls that looked like sticks. It only fits one tit." She removes her arm slightly to show that one of her breasts is falling out the side of the silk green top, the laces at the front slowly untying.

If it fitted, it would've been an adorable piece. But I see her issue.

I let out a little giggle, and she attacks me with her claws.

"Don't laugh! Help me figure out what to wear! I can't wear the same outfit twice, H will think I'm slacking!"

I shake my head, holding my arms up in surrender. "Alright. Give me a moment, and we can sort this."

I grab my phone and ring Harry, which goes to voicemail. Plan B. I ring Liam.

"Tommo!" he coos. "What do I owe the pleasure? How was your night last night?"

I know what he's insinuating, and I can't help but flush.

"It was dry. We slept. We were both tired. Now shut up and listen. Do you have Harry's contact number?"

"I thought you had it?"

"Sorry, Lambert. Harry Lambert's?"

"Yeah... why?"

I can't help but breathe out a laugh. "Jade needs a plan B outfit. Hers don't fit. Do you think you could give Lambert a text to ask if he can whip something up quickly?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"You're a doll. Thanks, mate. See you later!" I hang up before he can give any more prying questions about my night with Harry last night.

I flop back down onto the bed, deeply breathing in, reminiscing the morning where I woke up to an empty bed beside me, opening my eyes to see Harry standing by the window, watching the world wake up.

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