twenty six

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I'm shovelling Maltesers into my mouth to try and escape the humiliating shit that is myself, when Harry comes barrelling into the room.

He came off the stage well before we left the VIP box, but he went straight for the showers and changing room, whilst I went straight to the lounge in order to stuff my face with comfort food. There's no Percy Pigs, though, something I've come quite fond of thanks to my gran always giving them to us whenever we go to her house during the holidays. But I can live with eating my body weight in Maltesers and Magic Stars, with the occasional Haribo.

I've just finished the last bag of Haribo sweets, the wrapper long forgotten on the table.

I gaze up at Harry from where I sit spread out on the sofa, Jade having to sit on the arm rest with a pout on her face. Liam and Celine are grabbing drinks from the mini fridge.

"Having a party without me?" Harry converses, shuffling into the room with shoeless feet. Only a pair of cute pink trainer socks cover his little toes. He's wearing some yellow cotton shorts that rest just above his knees where his tattoos sit, as well as a white tank top.

I can already feel myself going a bit feral inside, now that his biceps are fully on display, as well as the thin layer of hair under his armpits that just about shows itself whenever he raises an arm out to grab something from the table. The tank top slicks onto his abs, showing them prominently. Not to mention his hitties, as us fans call them, showing a small bit of cleavage.

"Not a party without you in it," I reply around a Malteser, I'm currently sucking the chocolate off of.

He gives me a gentle smile, his right dimple coming out. "How are you feeling now, Lou?" he questions sincerely.

I shrug, diving my hand back into the share bag of Maltesers, but Jade's hand is already in the way.

"Just putting on some pounds with the choccy stand, nothing too personal." I wave him off.

Jade sighs exasperately. "He gets like this. A little pick me girl, this one. Don't worry, he's absolutely fine."

Pft, she doesn't even know the half of it.

Harry winks my way and looks at the table, picking up the empty wrapper of Haribo. He looks to Liam. "Did you eat my last pack?"

Liam sips on a Coke and points behind him toward me. "That would be all on your boyfriend, mate."

My heart may have just been seized at that.

"We're not," Harry and I slip out at the same time.

"You're in de-Niall, as Niall would say," Jade bumbles under her breath.

"They're so blind. Want to borrow my glasses? Might be able to see then," Celine chirps, removing her glasses from her face.

I slap Jade's hand when she begins pulling off her own glasses—she switched them over after the concerts where she wore her contacts. She shoves me so that I flop onto the floor.

Harry hoists me up, his hand feeling smooth like cream. Wonder if it'd taste like cream, too.

"I don't know why I'm helping you up. Since you ate my last packet of Haribo, I should be pissed." He grins at me.

I poke my tongue out at him in return.

"It's because you're whipped," Celine notes.

Harry bites his lip and drops the conversation all together. "I'm going to go ask Carlos if he can fetch us some more." With that, he leaves the room.

Celine puffs out her cheeks, looking around the room awkwardly. "Well, that's not awkward."

Liam chews on his lip. He lifts my feet up and sits in the space before propping my feet back down onto his lap.

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