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"What if this doesn't work?" I hiss into Jade's ear, the pair of us walking the small way from our taxi to the stadium.

The line is already huge, and we pass the people with feather boas and cowboy hats, splashes of colour looking as though they're a flock of exotic parrots.

"It will work," Jade assures, sounding slightly agitated with the way I'm worrying myself over this.

I adjust the sign in my hand. It's cooler here in Scotland, but the nerves make my skin feel clammy.

People begin arguing and yelling at us for pushing in, but we continue toward the front until a security guard grabs my shoulder and I stare up toward his large build.

"What?" I snap, the nerves getting me defensive.

"You can't push in, kid, back to the line," he says back with a voice so gravelly I'm sure he's chewing rocks or something.

I shake my head. "We ain't pushing in. We're going to the front to ask something," I simply reply, continuing my way.

He seems to follow us a few paces back, as if he doesn't trust us and I link my hand into Jade's giving it a reassuring squeeze.

We find the security guard that's keeping everyone from entering the building. I scratch my arm lightly and thank God for Jade because she steps up, smiling kindly at the guard.

"Hi. Um, we got our names down? Early access," she says.

The guard snorts. "Do you have your lanyard and ticket?"

I chew my lip. Fucking knew it wouldn't work. Why didn't Harry think to ship us our ticket? Incompetent fool.

"Please. We didn't get given one. Our names are Jade Bradley and Louis Tomlinson, we should be on some sort of list."

The guard sighs heavily, grabs their walky talky from the strap of their belt. "Can someone check if a Jade Bradley and Louis Tomlinson is on some sort of guest list."

We wait a moment, and there's a crackly sound coming from the walky talky. "Aye, Harry 'as them down for early access and backstage."

The guard points to a separate line. "Early access line is that way."

My brows crease. "I fucking told you we should've come earlier!" I bite at Jade, seeing how long the goddamn line is as well. I want to cry, genuinely want to cry.

Jade shakes her head. "I think there's some sort of mix up here. Can you ask for Harry, please."

The guard snorts. "On ye bike, las. Go on, get to your line before ye have to wait longer."

I fish my phone out my pocket. "Fuck sake, I'll fucking call him." I shake my head, and the guard peeps at my phone to see I'm on Instagram, smirking my way as if I'm trying to act superior than I am.

Fucking am superior n all, they might think I'm not in contact with Harry, but I'll show them otherwise.

I bring the phone to my ear, hearing it ring.

I'm about to give up when there's an answer on the other side, him sounding out of breath.

"Lou!" he coos. "Sorry, I was in the bathroom, are you here? You good?"

"Harry? They won't let us in! Saying we have to get in the early access queue. I dunno if that's the ticket you gave us or if there was a way for us to be front barricade," I reply, chewing my lip.

I look up to the guard who looks questionable.

"Leave that to me. Cannot wait to see you at the front! Hold on, give me a second." There's mumbling that I can't hear.

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