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"I couldn't give two shits if I'm being completely honest," I mumble toward Jade when a rude customer storms off with their fish food.

Yelling at me for not having shit in stock, the absolute flannel.

"We're going to be in Scotland come next week. I don't need stress of work overtaking the stress of the outfit choices I've made." I put my hands on my hips and huff.

She rolls her eyes. "Drama llama. Listen, do you think we will bump into Liam at any of Harry's shows?"

I shrug. "Well, if they invite us backstage maybe."

She shakes her head. "It'll be too easy if the universe allowed us backstage."

I raise my arms, shoulders scrunching up to my ears. "Who knows. Maybe this is God apologising for hating us for being gay."

She shakes her head. "Maybe. God hates you more though, because I still like guys."

"Loving Niall doesn't count. It's like loving your family dog."

"I love River more," she notes with a smug smile.

"I heard that!" Niall hollers from somewhere.

I snort and look to Jade. "Please take me off tills I can't stand still any longer." To make a point I begin stomping my feet.

She pushes me out the way and shoves me from behind the till. "Go and annoy Niall for me."

I salute her with a grin, skipping off to find the Irish lad.

I'm down the dog aisle when I hear giggling of children. My first thought is for fuck's sake more kids to ruin the displays.

But when I hear the familiar voice of the eldest yelling, "please don't ruin anything, Lou will be very upset," I cannot help but giggle and sprint to wherever they are.

I spot them eyeing on the hamsters and I creep up behind the two smaller girls, covering their faces with my hands making them both screech.

"Louis!" they cheer when they turn around, diving into me.

I give them both a cuddle, turning to Felicite and giving her a hug as well.

"Hi lovelies!" I coo, pecking them on the head. "What brings you here?"

"We were going to the park as it's inset day, but we got bored," Phoebe replies, sighing heavily through her nose. "I wanted to go shopping but Daddy said no."

Felicite shakes her head. "Because you were demanding and being rude this morning."

Phoebe frowns. "It was Daisy's fault," she mumbles.

Daisy gasps. "So wasn't!" She crosses her arms. "How's Mamma?"

I smile at her. "She's doing well. Do you guys want to come over for dinner tonight? She misses you guys."

Felicte nods enthusiastically. "Yeah, alright! I'll text Dad to let him know."

She types away at her phone.

"Lou, can we get a hamster?" Daisy asks.

"Did Dad agree to it?" I ponder.

Phoebe nods her head but the way she wiggles her nose when she does let's me know she's lying.

"I'll get you a hamster for your sixteenth, how about that?" I decide.

Phoebe grunts. "But that's in four years! That's ages away. What about our thirteenth?"

I purse my lips, tapping my chin in false thought. "How about... no."

Daisy glares at me but she can't contain her smile. "How was Harry's concert? I'm still annoyed Daddy said no for us getting tickets."

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