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" You're flying to South America on March 9th

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" You're flying to South America on March 9th. The tickets are already sold out, " Pd-nim smiles, " Congratulations on that. And I'm sure you'll carry on the good work. Pack only carry-on essentials...."

Ji Ahn blinks, letting out a soft sigh and nodding along. The meeting was soon over and everyone was heading out.

She followed Hoseok, falling into steps with him as they walked towards the dance practice studio.

" Ow..."

She turned around, bowing in apology to the man she bumped into, " I'm
sorry. "

Hoseok grabbed her arm, " Are you okay? " She hums, glancing at the man who rushed away, " Yeah, I zoned out and knocked into him. "

" You zoned out during half of the meeting. " Hoseok smiles, " Want to go to the rooftop later? "

Ji Ahn blinks, watching as he shot her a grin with red cheeks, she could only nod as he skipped in.

" What was that? " Feeling her own cheeks heat up, she closed the door after entering and took off her jacket, setting it on her bag aside.

A clink! made her glance at her feet and she frowned, crouching down. Picking up the small metallic object, her frown deepened. What...was that thing?

" Is that mic? Why do you have it? "

" It's a mic? "

Yoongi nods, " mhm...you know, the one reporters use on their shirts or to speak openly? "

Cursing, Ji Ahn glanced at the door and got up, breaking into a sprint, ignoring Yoongi's calls. Running down the hallway, she glanced around to find no one.

" fuck..."

" Yah! "

" Ji Ahn-ah! What's wrong? " Jin grabbed her arm, " Are you okay? "

Ji Ahn nods, feeling anxious. " That man who bumped into me..." Hoseok frowned, taking the mic from Yoongi,
" Did he hurt you? Are you hurt somewhere? "

" Are you saying he put that in your pocket? " Namjoon said uneasily, glancing at the inanimate object, Ji Ahn takes a deep breath.

" I'm not sure...but I don't carry those around, do I? And it's also a problem if it somehow got into my pocket from pd-nim's office. " She frowned and Jimin sighs.

" We should tell Sejin hyung, just in case. They can look into cameras. "

Namjoon nods, taking out his phone. If Ji Ahn was right, every confidential thing from the CEO's office could go out and he wondered how someone could even get in.

" Let's go back and practice. " Yoongi gave her shoulder a pat, " We'll see about it later, don't stress, okay? "

Ji Ahn nods, letting out a heavy breath. Yoongi grinned, " It'll be fine unless you said something you shouldn't have, and it isn't recorded already. "

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