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" Ji Ahn-ah? "

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" Ji Ahn-ah? "

Humming, she turned her screen off and looked up to see Taehyung grinning at her. " What is it? "

She chuckled, not being able to ignore that adorable boxy smile of his. " Can we get out? "

Ji Ahn sighs softly, " Tae, I told you I don't like you that way. "

Jungkook bursts out laughing with Jin while Taehyung sighs, shaking his head dramatically.

" Can we go out on a walk? "

Grinning, she stood up and slid her phone in her pocket, grabbing her jacket, " That's more like it. Where's Jiminie? "

" He's at the company. We can go get him, though. His recording ends soon. " Taehyung opens the door and she steps out, humming.

As the two exit the building, Taehyung sighs and grabs her hand, peacefully swinging it back and forth as they walked.

The streets were just as bustling, but that didn't stop the two from admiring the aesthetic.

" What are you going to do over
break? "

Ji Ahn sighs, after their final album release of Love Yourself, they were supposed to be on a short break. Although it wasn't fixed yet, Sejin was telling them a few days ago that it was still under discussion.

" I'm not sure. I'll go stay with unnie for a few days. I miss her. What about you? Are you going back to Daegu? "

Taehyung grins, humming. " Yeah, I want to. I miss Tannie! " He pouts,
" And my family, of course. "

" Yah, when am I meeting your sister? You told me you'd let me meet her. " Ji Ahn huffs and Taehyung grins, " Why? Is it your way of meeting my family? Will you get my sister's blessings first? "

Ji Ahn scoffs, " Seriously, this guy. " She mutters to herself, " I just want another female friend. The amount of testosterone is killing me. "

Taehyung scrunched his face, " Rude. But anyways, I'll see what I can do. " She smiles, nodding.

Overall, she had only met Namjoon's mother once because she had came over to the old dorms to check on him and Jungkook's mother for the same reason.

Although she could tell Jin talked to her mother more than she did, she realised she didn't meet any of their families properly yet. Letting fate decide when she'll meet them, she brushes the thought away.

" I want to go to Paris though. "

Taehyung looks at her, slightly amused. " Why? "

Ji Ahn shrugs, " I just want to. It's a beautiful place. And unfortunately, Namjoon sunbae got me into
museums. "

The boy beamed, nudging her softly. " I love museums too. Should we go there together someday? "

Ji Ahn rolls her eyes, but a smile stretched on her lips nonetheless.
" Sure, Tae. Let's go there together
once. "

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