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Ji Ahn smacks the pillow across his face, huffing. Jin shakes his head from the living room, completely ignoring Hoseok's plea of help.

" You're fault for waking her up! I told you she was cranky! " He called out and went back to scrolling on his phone while Hoseok jumped off the bed, running towards the door but to no avail.

A giggle escaped his lips as he ducks, grabbing a pillow for himself. " I! Was! Asleep! " Ji Ahn smacks him with each word, her annoyance growing as the boy kept giggling.

" I'm sorry! Now stop messing around! "

She yelped as he pushed the pillow out of her hands hands his own, throwing himself on the bed so he could jump off to the other side.

" Don't jump on my bed! "

It was probably a wrong idea to grab onto him while he was climbing off, but since she was so annoyed, she didn't think over how dumb her decision was and wraps her arms around him, wanting to make a supposed headlock.

Her plan backfired as Hoseok immediately grabbed her arms, ducking so she falls on the bed instead, he grinned as he stood up. " Why are you so annoyed today? "

Ji Ahn huffs, glaring up at him. Was she going going let him off so easily?


So she did the only only she could think of, kick his leg. And Hoseok yelped, slipping forward, literally on top of her.

As if a slow motioned scene, Ji Ahn processed it too late as he toppled over her, his eyes wide and cheeks flushing red in embarrassment at the position he ended up in.

If it weren't for him stopping himself with his hands on each side of Ji Ahn's head, his head would've already collided with hers.

Ji Ahn blinks softly, her heart hammering. It was the same feeling she got whenever she was starting to have a panic attack, but yet, it was completely different.

A good different. Her stomach twisted into giddiness, something she could describe to herself or identify as he kept staring into her eyes, his brown orbs glistening with warmth.

" I told you not to mess around. " He breathes out, gulping as he found it hard to focus just her eyes. " Now what do I do? "

It was so foreign to her how the things she felt when she was anxious or nervous, she was feeling them now, but in a completely different way.

Her heart skipped a beat at his words, and for some reason, her mouth was shut. She couldn't utter a single word as she catches his eyes flickering to her lips.

What did he mean? 

Why was her heart beating so fast?

Hoseok sighs softly, managing to hold himself back and shuffling slightly to lay beside her instead, pulling her in his chest. " You wanted to sleep, so sleep. "

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