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" IT'S OUT. "

Ji Ahn groans, stepping out of the room as she took off her headphones, she could hear Taehyung even when she was wearing headphones.

" You're more excited than us. " She smiled as she glanced at Jin who was chuckling. She could tell he looked a little nervous, a sigh escaped her lips.

" Wait and see. " She challenged him as he met her gaze. Jin rolls his eyes, trying not to smile.

Jimin ignored the exchange, pressing play. " I hate how we have to wait for every song to release when it comes to Ji Ahn! She never lets us hear it beforehand. "

Yoongi entered the living room, " she didn't let me hear it this time either. " He smacked her head softly before taking a seat beside Taehyung.

Ji Ahn scowls at the older man, huffing.

As her voice fills the living room, she couldn't help but hold in her laugh at the various reactions.

As expected, Yoongi had a blank face but she could tell he was proud, Jimin was gaping at her while Taehyung grinning so wide that his cheeks could ache.

" Ji Ahn! JIN HYUNG! It's amazing—"

" SHHH! "

Jungkook gushed Hoseok who had stepped out of his living room. The older dismissed it, grinning as he saw them listening to it too.

Namjoon crossed his arms, trying not to show. " I mean...it's not that bad. "

He side eyed Ji Ahn, who smirks.

" Really? "

Jungkook shushed then again, " It's Jin hyung. Shush! "

Ji Ahn tries not to laugh as his neck and ears immediately start turning red at the attention he was getting.

Namjoon smiled, " That's amazing. I've never heard Jin hyung's lower register this clearly before. "

Yoongi nods in amusement, looking rather gobsmacked, " Obviously. It's Jin hyung. " He grinned, " It's pretty. "

Nudging the older boy, Ji Ahn shrugs,
" Told you. " Huffing, he nods. " Yeah, yeah! Whatever. "

Ji Ahn chuckles, crossing her arms as compliments flood to both her and Jin from all of them.

" It's getting amazing reviews. " The CEO smiles as Ji Ahn flips her hair, " I know. " Jin flushes in embarrassment, nudging her. " Yah! "

Namjoon shakes his head, " Ignore her, pd-nim. Are we here for Face
Yourself? " Chuckling at Ji Ahn's sour look towards Namjoon, nodding.

" It's coming out in April, the final date is decided . Good work all of you. How's the writing process for TEAR coming along?  "

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