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" Don't you think this is too short? " Namjoon sighs softly, sensing Ji Ahn's discomfort, " Noona, can you give her something else? "

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" Don't you think this is too short? " Namjoon sighs softly, sensing Ji Ahn's discomfort, " Noona, can you give her something else? "

Jin sets his phone down, facing the two and watching as Ji Ahn crosses her arms, an annoyed frown twisted on her face while she tries to tug the dress down.

" Yeah, just give her something else, she doesn't look comfortable. "

Jimin hands her a jacket, standing in front of her although the staff was really respectful, it was his instinct to be protective over her.

The stylist sighs, aggravated, " She's in a boy group. She needs to show some skin! I didn't bring many, we're in Hong Kong, Namjoon. "

Ji Ahn scoffs, " I decide what I do with my body. If my manager didn't say anything about 'showing skin', you have no right to do so either, unnie. "

Yoongi gives her shoulder a squeeze, his jaw  clenched. " We have to get out in 10 minutes. Just hand her a more comfortable outfit.."

" But that fits her perfectly. "

" Okay, enough of this. How is she going to dance in that? " Hoseok walked over to the rack of clothes where Taehyung was already rummaging and he took out a much "ji-ahn" style, handing it to her.

" Go change. This matches us better. "

Biting the inside of her cheek, she took the clothes and heads to the changing room while Jungkook shared a knowing grin with Jimin.

Scoffing, the stylist shakes her head.
" She's going to ruin it one day with such attitude. "

Jin pulls on his jacket, " I suggest you stop making her uncomfortable, then? She'll treat you the way you treat her, noona. "

" What is that supposed to mean? I only get annoyed because she does whatever she wants. I've worked all these years for you, did you see me complaining to any of you? " She sighs,
" I'm a stylist. I know what attracts the attention of fans and public. "

Namjoon, probably the calmest of all right now shakes his head, " Yes, we understand. But you can't give her clothes that make her uncomfortable, noona. And let's face it, you've been doing that ever since she joined us. Sejin hyung did warn you once not to make her dress like that. "

The stylist clicks her tongue, glancing at Sejin who just entered as he heard the commotion.

" Well it's not my fault that she had so many scars on her body and she is insecure about it! "

Stunned to silence, the room fell quiet and so did Ji Ahn who had stepped out of the changing room.

Pushing back the anger that surpassed all the other emotions, Ji Ahn shakes her head.

" Maybe you should stop being so insensitive, unnie. And please stop thinking all female idols only get attention for their bodies. They're just as talented, and they get the attention of their fans and public because they deserve it. "

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