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" But why are we doing this? "

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" But why are we doing this? "

Hoseok sighs softly, " You never questioned me before. "

Ji Ahn rolls her eyes at his dramatic behavior, " Just because you're watching a drama doesn't mean you have to be dramatic as well. "

Grinning, Hoseok shakes his head. " I just wanted to hang out with you. " Ji Ahn nods, it wasn't questionable.

But the older had been too bold ever since he claimed to reach her heart and she won't be able to stop him.

And damn was he going strong? Little touches, hugging out of no where, multiple compliments spilling his mouth to every little thing she did. Appreciating every thing she helps in.

At this point, the butterflies in her stomach were tired of fluttering constantly, but yet, he never stopped.

Just like now, he suddenly entered her and Jimin's shared room, claiming he wanted to watch a movie or a kdrama and he needed her to join him.

"why?" She had asked, but he only replied "why not?" So she had followed him to the spacious living room nonetheless.

" You're not going to change your mind, are you? " She breathes out softly, feeling burdened because of his words. She couldn't help it, sure she had reached so far, accepting her scars and trying to be happy which was getting easier these days.

But some habits never break. And Ji Ahn really hated feeling burdened if someone tells her they're taking a responsibility for her or of her.
It made her feel defenseless.

Like someone was knocking her walls down with immense warmth and comfort and she had no weapon to protect her true self because she was scared.

She blinks as she felt an arm wrap around her waist, and the next second, she was on top of Hoseok's warm body, his grip on her hips firm.

" No. " He said plainly, " You need to give up on thinking I'll give up. "

He wrapped his arms around her from behind, placing his chin on her shoulder, she failed against the urge to melt in his embrace.

A defeated sigh escaped her lips as she rests her head back, wanting nothing but to close her eyes and dive in the warmth of his comforting scent, feeling the most safe and sound she ever has.

She felt pathetic that she couldn't return his feelings properly, that she was such a coward of feeling things that every other person does without having to panic or loose themselves on the way.

She felt lost.

" Ji Ahn, " Hoseok sighs softly, " Listen to me. Stop thinking about yourself negatively. " She bites the inside of her cheek, it scared her how easy she was for him to read.

She nods slowly, looking at her fiddling thumbs. She stopped as soon as Hoseok's hand clasped with hers, he gave it a gentle reassuring squeeze.

" Remember when I told you your stage name suits you a lot? "

𝐢'𝐦 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞 || 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now