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" It's been deleted

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" It's been deleted...." Bang Shi Hyuk sighs, rubbing his temples, " But how did this get out? "

" We have no idea, pd-nim. " Jin frowns, " We found out not just a year ago. And I'm sure Ji Ahn's parents wouldn't be talking about this in public. "

Yoongi frowns, " Do you think this will cause her legal trouble, pd-nim? "

The CEO shakes his head, " Not really, if she has a solid reason. I can easily manage if this gets a legal issue for her, but I don't how she'll react after seeing this. "

Jin sighs softly, Ji Ahn hated when her personal life would be revealed. She was very reserved about it. She hated talking about it.

And now, thousands of people knew already, she would be so scared and overwhelmed. He didn't know what to do.

Sejin sighs, " Pd-nim, I think it's the best if we hold a conference and talk about this before these people dig deeper. "

" Ji Ahn would hate that. " Yoongi mumbles, " I think the conference idea is better. We can talk to her. I'm sure she'll agree. "

Namjoon just stared at the tweet. For once, as he felt rage, it wasn't directed towards Ji Ahn. He'd normally feel mad at her, putting his group and their dreams first.

But this wasn't a silly case of her cursing on live or fighting with some fangirl, it was her personal life. Her personal struggles that she wants to hide, were so open and free to the public eye.

He'd feel like shit if that happened to him. He didn't know what she went through, but it was clear it must've been so shitty that she had to run away.

And disclosing this, talking about it with the whole world didn't sound very comfortable. And he knew Ji Ahn would also hate the conference idea.

But she had no choice.

He found this idea suitable too, they had no other way to shut the people up who already saw the post and are now probably posting it everywhere.

" We should talk to Ji Ahn. "

" I swear I didn't eat your favorite ice cream from from fridge. "

Ji Ahn says with a cheeky smile while Jin sighs, crouching in front of her,
" This isn't about any stupid  ice cream, Ji Ahn. "

Ji Ahn frowns, her smile faltering. She looked at Namjoon who was glaring at his phone and a stressed Yoongi pacing.

" What is it? " She finds herself asking, seeing as she's never seen Yoongi so worried or Namjoon so angry.

" Did I do something again—"

" No. " Namjoon sighs softly, taking the matters in his own hands as he walked over to her and takes a seat beside her, handing her the phone.

" It is about you, but it's not your fault. "

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