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" Absolutely not

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" Absolutely not. "

" But I'm fine. " Ji Ahn argued faintly,
" I won't be able to rest properly unless I get this performance done, Jinnie. "

" Ji Ahn, you need rest. Even the doctor said you shouldn't take any stress—"

" Singing on a stage isn't stress for me. " Ji Ahn sighs, " I'll stress over it if I stay alone thinking about it. Please? "

Namjoon sighs, " Are you sure? " Ji Ahn nods furiously, " Positive. " To an extent, her words made sense. But Namjoon didn't know know what say.

He glanced at Yoongi, who simply nods.
" We'll let you perform if you promise to rest well after this? "

Ji Ahn grins, " I will. "

Yoongi sighs softly, patting her head.
" Let's go. "

Baffled but not surprised by the girl's coping mechanism, the boys finished another successful night as if Ji Ahn hadn't been attacked not hours ago.

Now sitting in Jin's room, all of them were having a delightful meal while Ji Ahn was drifting off to sleep beside Yoongi. He glanced at her girl who was leaning against him.

" She didn't even eat. " He sighed, worried how this girl survives without having proper and healthy food in her system. Jin sighs too but shakes his head, " Pretty sure she'll sleep it off. "

Finishing the food, all of them scattered around and talked about random things while Hoseok got a blanket, wrapping it around Ji Ahn.

Yoongi couldn't really move seeing as she was using him as a pillow, her grip on his sleeve tight, he sighed.

How could he get rid of that? In that moment, she looked like such a child, he held back a smile.

Leaning back, he gently pulled her closer so she gets comfortable and drifted off to sleep himself, feeling exhaustion of the day.

As one by one, all of them bid goodnight and stepped out, Jin glanced at the cuddling pair and chuckled. He felt at ease seeing her comfortable around all of them.

He was scared she'd slip back into the mindset like she did back when the fanmeet took place, Yoongi had explained to him that then too, Geum Suk had disguised himself as a fan to see her.

And that had led her to react like that. He was worried this would trigger her memories again, and maybe it did, but Ji Ahn was doing nothing but sleeping it off instead of approaching it.

He sighs, fixing the blanket upon them and turned the light off. He decided to just go sleep in Hoseok's room and leave the two alone for now so they can get the rest peacefully.

Yoongi flinched as he felt a wet patch on his shirt, he groaned, blinking. Reaching over, he turned on the light to see Ji Ahn curled up against his chest.

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