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" But I want to cuddle you to sleep everyday! You're adorable! "

Ji Ahn sighs, leaning back on the couch and crossing her arms. Jin chuckled and pats Taehyung's back, " Relax, will you? "

He looked around, " Okay, so since Ji Ahn is a girl, I'll let her decide which room she wants first. "

Yoongi snorts, " Okay, fair enough. "

" Go on, Ji Ahn. "

Yoongi watched as Ji Ahn stands up and heads towards the four rooms, while Jimin and Taehyung nudge each other.

" I want to room with her! "

" No, Tae! I'm older so let me! "

Jungkook pokes them both, " Noona loves me the most so I will. "

" Yah, don't you dare. " Jimin scowls, pouting adorably, " You better stay out of it. She always gives in to you. "

Taehyung pouts too, nodding as he felt threatened at Jungkook's smirk. As Ji Ahn returned, Yoongi smirked.

" Which one did you choose? "

Ji Ahn shrugs, " The one at the end of the hallway. " He stands up, stretching. " Okay, cool. I like quiet and peace and Ji Ahn is always quiet, so I'll take her. Keep going! "

Shooting the three bantering boys a smirk, he grabbed Ji Ahn's wrist and tugged her towards the said room with his suitcase.

Ji Ahn grabs hers, leaving Jin and Hoseok to laugh with Namjoon at the dejected looks on the maknae line's faces.

" hyung! Not fair! Get in the line. " Jimin huffs, slumping. Hoseok giggles,
" You want to room with me, Jiminie? "

Jimin pouts and nods while Taehyung raises an eyebrow at Jungkook, who gives a quick thumbs up. Jin groans,
" Why me?! "

" I'm not that messy! " Namjoon defends himself, sounding offended.
" And for that, I get the biggest room! "

He turned on his heels, grabbing his bag and heading towards the room, Jin beamed.

" Joonie, you called it! "

The four in the living room roll their eyes and laugh slightly. Taehyung looks around, sighing.

After the successful tour when they returned, Pd-nim had given them a good news saying they'd be moving.

All of them were glad that they'd be living in a little more spacious place. It was away 10 minutes from building though, but none of them mind that.

The apartment had four bedrooms and two bathrooms, a living room and kitchen. It was bigger and a little spacious than their old dorm.

Although they were sad to leave that place, they were also happy to have space. Ji Ahn opened the door and sets her bag aside, taking a better look with a soft sigh.

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