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She hated the feeling of being interrogated by people who she doesn't owe shit to, yet, she was sitting there answering as if she can save her life if she does so

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She hated the feeling of being interrogated by people who she doesn't owe shit to, yet, she was sitting there answering as if she can save her life if she does so.

" Bang Shi Hyuk-ssi, did you know about this while you casted Miss Lee? "

" Yes, " The CEO answers without hesitation, " I was aware Ji Ahn lived alone after I casted her, when she signed the contract. I didn't find anything wrong in casting a talented and independent teen who is passionate about her dreams. "

" What about the legal issues Miss Lee would cause now that this matter is out? "

Ji Ahn held back a smirk. There was no such thing as a legal issue for her, did they take her as an idiot?

Ji Ahn felt like she was more mature than half of the interviewers sitting across from her. Did they think she didn't know what kind of industry she was setting foot into?

What kind of people she'd meet?

Of course, she did. She met the real world before any of them could in their twenties.

She held back a scoff.

The CEO smiles, amused as Ji Ahn tries to hold back a cocky smile. He grabs the microphone, looking at the interviewer who asked the question.

" I'd like to inform that there will be no legal trouble with this matter. Ji Ahn used to live in a studio apartment that she legally and rightfully owns. "

" How is that possible? " Another one interjects, " a 13 year old cannot own a studio apartment. It doesn't even connect with the Law of Legal Age in this country.  "

" Obviously, " Bang Shi Hyuk smiles, " Ji Ahn auditioned for BigHit around a week after she had been living alone, and not to mention I think we all forgot Ji Ahn does have her family support her fully and wholeheartedly. "

" So it means Miss Lee did live off of her parents despite claiming to earn for herself? "

Ji Ahn curses mentally at how annoying it was.

She faked out a smile, " You could say I payed it off as I started earning. So not exactly. After I turned of legal age, I bought it myself. Here, "

She grabbed a document, placing it in front of her, " Are the legal documents of my agreement with the previous apartment owner. "

It was quiet for a good few minutes after the people processed Ji Ahn's sarcasm and remained silent.

Ji Ahn leans back slightly, wanting nothing but to leave. It was getting tiring. Trying to prove to a world that would have countless questions anyway. A thirst of curiosity that can never be quenched. It was useless.

" There's a source that informed us that you infact did run away because you were abused, Miss Lee. Would you like to say something about that? "

Yoongi was quick to clench his fingers around his microphone, " I think it's appropriate if we clear the rumors. But we didn't see such rumors at all. Could you show us the source so our legal team can handle it? "

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