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Staring at the lights, Ji Ahn lets out a huff, her breath back to normal as she layed on the ground in the practice room

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Staring at the lights, Ji Ahn lets out a huff, her breath back to normal as she layed on the ground in the practice room.

Hoseok chuckles as he scrolled through
his phone. After practicing the dance a little more, the two opted to take a break and Ji Ahn was just laying there while he found himself just...staring.

He couldn't help it. As much as he had tried denying he didn't look at the girl romantically, it all rounded up back on his rapidly growing feelings for her.

He desperately just wanted to give up and tell her how he felt, but right now, she was too stressed. He knew, neither he or Ji Ahn were in right state of mind to focus on anything other than their work.

He had no courage to tell her how he felt, as he was scared himself and he knew he couldn't just put that burden on Ji Ahn by telling her. She'd simply worry, and it would soon enough get awkwardness between them.

He didn't want that to happen. He was glad she always approached him if she felt down, if she wanted to cry or just talk about nonsense. It was always him, and he didn't want to ruin that.

But what could he do when everytime she looks at him, his heart just beats so fast, leaving him breathless and his thoughts out of control.

Why his heart feels lighter when she laughs, why all his stress and worries disappear when she's around, and why everything just feels so at peace when he hears her voice?

Like he was her comfort place, Ji Ahn was his comfort place too. He couldn't deny that because it was painfully obvious. If he were to deny it, he'd feel like he was lying to himself.

And he wanted her to know that. He wanted her to know he's always here for her.

He sighs softly, smiling. Switching back to the Playlist and playing a familiar song to get her attention.

Walking over, he held out a hand and Ji Ahn bites the inside of her cheek, taking it without a second thought although her heart skipped a beat when she realised what had happened the last time this very song had played on.

" Why—"

Ji Ahn gasps as he pulls her in his chest, her body going still as soon as he places his hand on her hip, his chin resting on her shoulder as he hugged her partly, swaying slightly.

" I just felt like it. " he breathed out, " is it okay? "

Ji Ahn blinks, her skin tingling. She gulps softly, breathing out a shaky,
" yeah..."

Hoseok smiles, feeling her loud heartbeat against him, or was it his? He didn't know, but he didn't care.

Pulling away slightly, he delicately spun her around, pulling her even closer than before to see her breath hitch, Ji Ahn closes her eyes momentarily, letting out a soft sigh.

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