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" Ah! I'm exhausted

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" Ah! I'm exhausted. "

Ji Ahn plops on the bed, right on top of Jimin who groaned but doesn't complain. " Go shower, you stink. "

Ji Ahn scowls playfully, " I just came out of shower, bitch. "

" Bitch. "

Scoffing, she sat up and grabbed a pillow, smacking him. Jimin laughs,
" hey! That's unfair, you're allowed to call me a bitch but I'm not? "

" Yes, you're not. " she huffed, falling beside him. " You're lucky you're my roommate this month. Or I'd have kicked you out. "

Jimin grins, " you're rude to me. You've started calling Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung oppa. What about me? "

" You're shorter than me. "

" See, rude. " Jimin pouts, rolling his eyes. Cuddling up to her nonetheless, he sighed, " you've been staying at the studio longer, why is that? "

Ji Ahn grins, " It's a secret. " her eyes wide, " Don't tell anyone. " Jimin chuckles softly, knowing she acts a little childish when she's tired or sleepy.

He hooked his pinky with hers, " Fine. I won't tell anyone. "

Ji Ahn sighs, " I'm working on a solo album. It'll take me long, but I've got a plan. " She smirked, " I don't want to make one song and get it passed by pd-nim. I'm going to arrange a whole ass album so he won't be able to say
no. "

Jimin chuckles, " That's amazing. I can't wait already. " Ji Ahn hums, " You know what's exciting? "

" What? "

" You're singing with me in one of the songs. "

Jimin gasped, his eyes gleaming. " No way!! Really? " Ji Ahn nods, " Also, Hobi is rapping. And Tae is singing too. I'm not sure about those songs yet, I'm just on my first one I'll do with you. "

Jimin squeals, crushing her in a tight hug. " Thank you, that sounds so

" JI AHN. "

" I know that tone, " Ji Ahn blinks softly as they hear Namjoon's voice ring around the dorm, " JIMIN. "

" And suddenly, I do too? " Jimin pouts, " What did you do? What did I do? " Ji Ahn sits up, taking a deep breath.

" Okay, let's not get annoyed. "

Jimin followed the girl out, raising an eyebrow as she lets out a "what do you want?" in a really annoyed tone anyway.

Namjoon crossed his arms, clicking his tongue while Jin rubs his temples. Yoongi was just sitting there, unbothered. Ji Ahn shoots him a wink and Yoongi chuckled, " Aren't you just too much? "

" What did I do? "

" No, forget about you! " Jimin mumbles, standing beside her,  " What did I do? "

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