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" Just make sure you're eating properly, okay? "

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" Just make sure you're eating properly, okay? "

" Jinnie, " Ji Ahn smiles softly, " Stop worrying and go enjoy your break. I'll be with unnie, she'll nag at me just like you. "

" Yah, it's called being caring. " Jin huffed, his lips stretching into a smile anyway as he pulled the girl in a hug, placing a kiss on her forehead.

She grins wider, nodding.

" I'll be in the car. Send Hobi down. " He shot her a teasing smile and Ji Ahn scowls at him playfully, her cheeks turning red. Laughing, Jin exits the dorm and Ji Ahn sighs softly.

" Hobi? Oppa is waiting by the car. "

Hoseok rushed out, stumbling slightly with his bag and luggage. She chuckled, crossing her arms.

Hoseok huffs, setting them down and crushing the girl in another hug. " I'll call you everyday. "

Ji Ahn hums, " You can see me everyday after you return, just enjoy your time with your family, will you? "

" But I'll miss you! "

" aish! Stop being so cheesy! " She huffed, her cheeks turning red as he pulled away, grinning.

Hoseok poked her chin up, tilting his head slightly to plant his lips on her cheek, lingering for a few seconds.

" Bye. "

With a red face, Ji Ahn nods, sighing shakily as he disappeared out of the door. She takes a deep breath, " He's going to be the death of me! "

Groaning, she closed the door and rushed inside as she hears her phone ringing in the empty dorm.

Picking it up, she beamed. " Unnie! "

" Hey, baby...where are you right now? I heard everyone of your group left already? "

" I'm still at the dorm, why? "

" Well guess what? I got a break too for three days so I'm sending you a car. Get ready! "

" Really?! "

" Yes, Ji Ahn. We have loads of things to do! I miss you so much, hurry now and pack! "

" I'm already all packed, Unnie. "

" that's good, because I'm sending someone to pick you up. "

The ride back to Ji Eun's penthouse was comfortable, Ji Ahn was excited to spend some time with her sister.

But when she reached, she was surprised to see her parents sitting in the living room, curled up against each other and watching TV. Her lips stretched into a smile, " Eomma! Appa, you're here too. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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