Just Like a Christmas Movie - Handong

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Special Christmas chapter with Handong. Obviously I wouldn't let my all time favorite bias without a Christmas story. This story was a mix of ideas from every Christmas based media I messed around with in the past days, plus Handong's special clip that was released earlier, this week. I had a lot of fun writing this one.

Hope you guys like and Merry (late) Christmas :)


It was December twenty fourth and you were in your apartment, lied on the couch, watching some random Christmas movie that you weren't even paying attention to. Despite the jolly season, you weren't in your best mood, because once again, Christmas was right around the corner and just like the previous years, you were alone. You pick up your phone and look at the time, seven thirty. You let out a deep and long sigh, while thinking what have you done wrong, this year to once again end it in the current state.

Due to your intense boredom, as an act of desperation, you decide to call your best friend, Siyeon. Few rings later, she picks up the call, saying:

– Hey, Y/n. What's up?

– Hey, noona. Even tho, I already know the answer, any chances you're free, tonight? I'm hella bored and thought about taking a walk around.

Siyeon: Sorry, dear, but I can't. I'm already halfway to my parents' house and even if I wasn't on the road, already, I would have to refuse it, cuz I really don't wanna miss this reunion.

– It was expected. No worries, noona.

Siyeon: Instead of walking around the neighborhood, go downtown. You'll have better chances of actually having some fun there. Maybe, you'll even find someone to spend the holiday, with. Plus, you know what people say. Christmas is a time for miracles, so who knows?

(Chuckling) – Thanks for the advice and the hopes up, Siyeon-ah. Happy holidays.

Siyeon: Happy holidays to you, too, Y/n.

You then hang up the call and get up from the couch, heading to your room. You quickly get a jacket and sweater and once you're changed, you head to the kitchen, taking out the whisky and pouring into a cup.

– For a bit of motivation.

As you finish the sentence, you drink the liquid, feeling the burn inside you. Finally, you walk to the door, leaving your apartment, right after. Once you leave the building, you call for an Uber that arrives minutes later. As you enter the vehicle, you ask the driver to take you downtown, as Siyeon suggested.

After half an hour, you arrive at your destination and once you leave the car, you feel the cold air hitting you, followed by a shiver running through your whole body.

Your eyes start to wander the ambiance, until you see a crowd, which has you puzzled for a few seconds. You then remember the reason of such gathering, the annual Christmas light show. You groan in frustration and then quickly move away from the said crowd.

Once you're in a considerable distance, you grab your phone and call Siyeon, that a few rings later, picks up, saying:

– What is it now, Y/n?

– You tricked me, you little witch!

Siyeon: I've tricked you a lot of times, Y/n, so you'll have to be more specific.

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