Green Parks and Slippery Accidents - Yiren

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So, this story was requested by @Yoohyeonspuppy_98 and sorry I'm only posting it now. Wouldn't blame you if you even forgot about the story by now 🙃

As you guys know, I was in a kind of hiatus, but I'm back now!

Anyway! Hope you like it and that this is close to what you had in mind :)

Hope you guys also enjoy it :)


It was a sunny Friday and at the moment, youwere deeply asleep. Yet your slumber didn't last longer, since you start tohear someone banging on the front door of your dorm. As you slowly start toawake yourself, you notice that it's Jiwon, or E:U as she was popularly known,EVERGLOW's former leader and your best friend, who's calling for you, by yellingbehind the door:

– Hey, Y/n, wake up!

Frustrated with all the unnecessary banging, early in the morning, you finally vocalize, telling her, while still lying on the bed:

– C'mon! Let me sleep!

E:U: We're late for practice, Y/n!

– What?!

And once you hear E:U saying such sentence, you jump from the bed, quickly getting yourself up. You then look at the digital clock on the nightstand, making you groan in frustration, while complaining out loud:

– It's eight in the morning, for crying out loud! Can't we just sleep?!

Moments later, after you quickly change clothes, you finally leave your bedroom, ready to leave the dorm, but as you open the door, E:U almost falls over, with you holding her. Once she's back on her feet, she says:

– Wow, that was fast.

– Yeah, but I didn't even have a freaking cup of coffee, cuz of this.

E:U: We're on the same boat here, buddy. Now, let's go!

You then finally leave your dorm, being greeted by the other EVERGLOW members, including Yiren, who shyly looks at you, while cutely waving. After this unpleasant start of a morning, with everything ready, the seven of you head to the dorm's building's garage, getting to your group van. One by one, they get in and once everyone hopped in the van, you get to the steering wheel, proceeding to leave the building, finally heading to the company.

Almost an hour later, you and the girls arrive at the company, quickly heading inside, going straight to the practice room. Despite your presence not being necessary there, due to the rushing situation you got yourself into, you unintentionally end up following the girls. And as soon as they step into the practice room, the manager sees the girls and starts scolding them.

E:U: Hey it's not our fault, okay?! We didn't even know we had practice today, until you called!

Manager: And is that my fault?

E:U: Did we say it was?

Manager: Whatever. It's the same as usual. You all can leave at nine.

Once the manager leaves, the girls start warming up for practice. After you watch they stretch, for a while, you finally realize you were still in the practice room and with such realization, you quickly get up from the corner you were at and try to leave the room, but as you were about to leave the practice room, you hear Yiren saying:

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