Snowy Day - Irene

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Since I'm an Irene mood, here's a mommy!girlfriend Irene story for you guys. Honestly, there's not much to say.

Like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


Sunday arrived, bringing with it, a day filled with snow that covered the streets of Seoul, turning them white and fluffy.

You made a deal with your girlfriend, Bae Joohyun, a local actress working her way to fame, of meeting every weekend. And as Friday night came, once you finished your shift, you went to her place, having stayed there, for the past two days.

With all said, it was Sunday , around ten o'clock when Joohyun woke up and after a few minutes, once she fully awakens herself, she looked to the side, finding you still asleep. After whispering some inaudible words, she leans forward, gently kissed your cheek. Despite your unconscious state, you were able to feel some kind of contact, with your brain cells assimilating the gentle touch to Joohyun, in the dream you were having.

Joohyun then leaves her room, heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the both of you, making some scrambled eggs, a few slices of toast and coffee. Once everything was ready, she heads back to her room to wake you up. As she heads back to the room, she peeks through the door, asking:

– Y/n, sweetheart... Are you up, already?

Due to the lack of an answer, Joohyun gets in, proceeding to slowly approach the bed and as she sits on her bedside, she gently shakes you by the shoulder to awake you. A few moments later, you start to slowly wake up, answering Joohyun in a sleepy state:

– Hm?

Joohyun couldn't hold a giggle as she hears the sleepy way you answer her, without moving a single muscle. And after such scene she considered to be adorable, she whispers: 

– Wake up, sleepyhead. I made our breakfast.

(Muttering) – Really?

Joohyun: Uhum. Shall we, then?

You nod as an answer, proceeding to slowly sit on the bed and then stretch yourself. Once you're finished and fully awake, Joohyun extends her hand, proceeding to gently pull you to the kitchen. As you arrive to such room, Joohyun tells you to get yourself comfortable, while she fixes your plate and minutes later, once she's done, she sets it down:

– There you go.

– Thanks, noona.

Joohyun: You're welcome, sweetheart.

Joohyun then proceeds to fix her own plate and once done, she also sits at the table. You both then start munching on the morning meal, with Joohyun asking a few moments later:

– So, it's Sunday, our last day together, before we both get back to work. Wanna do something different?

– I'd love to, sure but it's hella cold and snowing. So, sorry to burst your bubble like this, noona but let's just stay home and binge watch some movies and dramas.

Joohyun: If you say so, baby.

Joohyun's POV:

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