Snacking Pizza on Valentine's Dawn - Handong

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Here's a short Handong story for Valentine's Day ❤️

Hope you guys like it and happy (late) Valentine's Day :)


It was about two in the morning and you were deeply asleep, until suddenly the need to empty your bladder wakes you up. As you open your eyes, you turn to the side and smile at the feline figure, deeply asleep, like you were instants ago. You then get off from the bed, heading to the bathroom, while scratching your eyes and stretching yourself.

Once you're finished, your stomach grumbles, with hunger starting to grow in you and after a moment of thinking, with quiet steps, you decide to go to the kitchen to get yourself something to eat, before heading back to the bed.

Your POV:

Despite the hour, a quick snack won't do any harm, right? Standing in front of the fridge, I take out the dinner leftovers, which were a couple slices of pizza and once I put it on a plate, I start eating it. As I was distracted with the pastry I was munching, suddenly, I feel Handong back hugging me, as she asks:

– Don't you think it's a bit late to be having a snack, baby?

– Oh, hey, noona. Want a bite?

And as I ask her, I offer the slice over my shoulder, with Handong taking a bite of the pizza.

Handong: Is there more?

– There's still three slices.

Handong: Good.

She then proceeds to release her grip on me as I finally get the sight of Handong, with her messy orange hair, using one of my shirts, that's a bit over-sized to her, covering only her butt and the very beginning of her thighs. As I was distracted with such view, Handong gets a plate for herself, then a slice of the pizza, along with a can of coke. With them in hands, Handong leads us to the couch, in the living room. As we sit ourselves, we both place the plates and cans on the coffee table. I then grab the remote from the table and set us a random show to watch, while Handong rests herself on my shoulder.

Handong's POV:

As we were eating, we exchange glances for an instance, so I take it as an opportunity to pinch Y/n's cheek, making him blush. He's so cute, seriously. While he recomposes himself, I simply keep eating the pastry before me, occasionally drinking the coke.

About twenty minutes later, in such perfect timing, we both finish eating, along with the show we were watching, also ending, so we get up and put the plates on the sink and once it's done, we finally head back to the bedroom. As we get there, we immediately lie down, facing each other. After a moment of silence, with only the sound of the world around us being heard, Y/n says:

– This was fun.

Handong: It really was.

– Good night, noona.

Handong: Good night, Y/n.

I then bring him as close as I can to myself, proceeding to kiss the top of his head, as I start to play with his hair and moments later, as I look down, I'm delighted with the sight of Y/n, which had fallen asleep in my embrace.

– Sweet dreams, my little angel...

And a few minutes later, after saying such sentence, I also fall asleep.

~Time skip~

Curse you biological clock, that doesn't let me wake up later than my usual time. As I awake more of myself, bit by bit, I look through the window, being blinded by the outside's light. Once I look down to avoid the blinding lights, I see Y/n with his face buried in my chest, while he's in a spooning position. Without resisting the urge, I coo at his cuteness and start caressing his hair.

Minutes go by and when the clock hits eight, Y/n's alarm starts ringing, slowly waking him up. Bit by bit, as he awakes himself, he realizes such position he's in, Y/n slightly lifts himself, while saying:

– Good morning, noona...

Handong: Good morning, dear...

(In a joking tone) – I guess I got myself a little too comfortable.

Handong: It's okay. I thought it was pretty cute.

– I just woke up, but you still managed to make me fall for you, even more.

Handong (chuckling): Jiǎ de (dummy in Chinese). Anyway, now that we're both awake, let's have breakfast, shall we?

And as a response, Y/n just nods in agreement, with both of us sitting up on the bed. We then stretch ourselves and once we're done, we both get off the bed, with myself start to pull Y/n to the kitchen.

Once we get to the room, I tell Y/n wait at the table, while I prepare our breakfast. About twenty minutes later, the meal was ready, so while I set the table, Y/n starts getting the cups and the coffee, pouring it in the mugs he placed. With everything ready, I sit at the table again, while I fix his plate and after I set it down my plate, I proceed to fix mine.

– Thanks, noona.

Handong: You're welcome.

As we're both settled, we start to eat the morning meal. About half an hour later, once we're both finished with the morning meal, I drag us to the living room, immediately sitting on the couch. Once we're both settled, I pull out my cellphone, looking at the today's date, remembering what day it was.

Handong: Hey, baby. Do you know what's the day, today?

– Uh, Tuesday?

Handong: No, that's not what I meant!

– So, February fourteenth?

Handong: Which means?

– Oh! It's Valentine's Day, right?

Handong: Yup.

I then get off from my seat, getting on top of Y/n, resting my legs on each side of his thighs. After settling myself on top of him, we then proceed to passionately kiss, with the ecstatic feeling kicking in, just like every time. After a while, we finally pull apart, with our lips still touching, I smile, saying:

– Happy, Valentine's Day, baby.

– Happy, Valentine's Day, to you, too noona.

As we finally pull apart, I get off from Y/n's lap, going back to where I was sitting before. And that's how we spent the rest of the first day, cuddling, with each other, while watching rom-com movies on TV, due to today's date. Despite being simple, couldn't have asked for a better way to spend this Valentine's Day.

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