Pretty in Pink - Olivia Hye

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Yeah, like said in the previous chapter, I'm on a on a LOONA phase, so here's another story.
I had this idea after watching a video where Hyeju was wearing a pink outfit that you'll see later in the story, which totally highlighted her cute side. 

Anyway, like always, hope you guys like it :) 


It was around eight p.m. when you got to your apartment from work and for instantly noticing the lack of presence of your girlfriend, Son Hyeju, you simply shrug it off, assuming she was still at her own workplace, while heading yourself to your room.

At first, you haven't realized the light in it was on, due to the city's night illumination coming in through the window, but as you get closer and notice the brightness in your room, noticing also the partially opened door, with quiet steps, you start walking towards. After a couple of steps, you're standing behind the wooden entry and as you peak inside, you see an unexpected for the moment, yet very familiar figure standing in front of the mirror.

Your POV:

As I'm peaking frombehind the door, I see Hyeju, finish dressing herself up. She's now wearing alight pink checked dress with a pink long sleeved shirt beneath it.

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After admiring her for a short while, I notice that she's frowning at the mirror, like she's unsure about the outfit, so as an attempt to assure her she's looking nice, I step in to the room and compliment her, what makes her jump in place:

– You look cute in pink.

Hyeju: AAAHHH! What the hell?! What are you doing, here, Y/n?! I thought you'd only be here by eight!

– Sorry, baby, didn't mean to scare you. And it's already past eight, by the way.

Hyeju: It is?

– Yup. Anyway, so, what's this about?

Hyeju: Oh, uh... Nothing...

She then gets the blanket from the bed, covering the outfit and because of such strange behavior, I ask her:

– What's the matter, princess?

Hyeju: It-It's nothing...

– So, why are you covering yourself, like that?

Hyeju: Because... You weren't supposed to know about this...

– I see. But why tho?

Hyeju: Because I didn't want you to!

– Okaaay...

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