Butterfly - Gowon

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So, this is kind of an experimental story and by this, I mean that it'll focus more on your friendship with Gowon, instead of a romantic relationship, like on the other stories of this "book".

Please give me your thoughts on this story and if you want more of this style, cuz I have a couple of ideas for more stories like this one.

Anyway, like always, I hope you guys enjoy it :)


Two years ago...

The clock just struck twelve thirty, indicating the end of school hours and at the moment, Park Chaewon, your best friend since childhood. You both met each other when you were nine and she was eight. At the moment, Chaewon was packing her things up, as you showed up at her course room, calling for her and asking:

– Ready, Wonnie?

Chaewon: Uhum. Let's go.

Both of you then walk down the hallway, heading yourselves to the university's exit. Once you were about to leave the place, you both see Son Hyeju, Chaewon's crush, standing at the main gate, with the small Park paralyzing at the black haired girl's sight. After letting Chaewon enjoy the view for a moment, you call for her, asking:

– If you like her so much, why don't you talk to her? Maybe even ask her out? I mean, what's the worst that can happen?

Chaewon: Her saying 'no'?

– C'mon, Wonnie. It's been months since you've beendaydreaming over this girl, practically since got into college. Don't you thinkyou should at least talk to her? Introduce yourself and hope something sparksbetween the two of you?

Chaewon: But what'll I say? Besides, what if she's straight? I don't even know from where to start.

– For crying out loud. Stay here.

Chaewon: Oppa, wait! What're you doing?!

– Getting you a date.

You then leave Chaewon behind and walk towards Hyeju. As you get to her, you quickly launch towards the girl:

– Hey, I know this's pretty random, but can you give me your number? It's not for me, but for my friend back there, she is dying to get to know you and go on a date with you, but she's too shy to take the first step, so I'm doing it for her.

Hyeju: Who's your friend?

You then move to the side, showing Chaewon, whoshyly waves at Hyeju that quickly checks out the Park and once done, she says,while writing her phone number down on a piece of paper:

– Yeah, sure. Tell her I'm free this weekend.

– Sure thing. Thanks.

Hyeju: Thank you.

Hyeju then hands you the paper and starts walking away, while you walk back to Chaewon and once you get to the small Park, you hand her Hyeju's number, while saying:

– There you go. She's free this weekend, by the way.

Chaewon: I can't believe you've done this!

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