To Serve, Protect and Fall in Love...? - Hyunjin

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After a month and a half stalling due to constant lack of ideas, I've finally finished this story!

This story was requested by @Yoohyeonspuppy_98 and sorry I took so long.
Anyway! Hope you like it, both the story and the idea I had for it :)

And for the others, hope you guys also enjoy it :)


It was four in the morning when you were woken up by the sound of the military base's alarm and within instants, the colonel comes into your quarter, vocalizing:

– Morning, privates!

Soldiers: Good morning, colonel!

Colonel: In case you're wondering why I'm here, it's because you were assigned for a special mission! As you know, the country is under the watch of the terrorist organization 'Unknown Hand' (Unknown Hand is a local and obviously fictional organization I'm gonna use for this story), but since our borders are still open, despite the situation, people come and go, in and out of the country. Under these people, there's this Korean music group called Loossemble, which are making us the British, a visit and well, due to the circumstances, some of you were solicited to protect this music group.

Soldier: Wait, so we're gonna babysit a K-Pop group?

Colonel: Apparently, yes. Do you have a problem with that, soldier?

Soldier: No, sir...

Colonel: I'll pick five of you to become their personal security guards and honor the SAS name! Which are going to be Jeffords! Lawrence! Dawson! Matthews! And L/n!

And as you hear your name, along with your crewmates, you step forward, answering the colonel's call.

Colonel: The five of you will accompany this group from the moment they step into the country, until they leave. Am I clear?!

– Sir, yes sir!

Colonel: Good! In fifteen minutes, we'll have a briefing, explaining their arrival and departure time, location, trajectory and itinerary!

And after the last sentence, the colonel leaves your quarter.

You, along with the other selected soldiers, start changing for the briefing, with your friend, Jeffords saying:

– Honestly, protecting a K-Pop group was the last thing I thought I'd do in the military.

Lawrence (chuckling): Same, here. I can't believe Mosby thought the colonel was joking about this mission.

– You know Mosby. He's the manliest of us all, so anything girly is outta his department.

Jeffords (chuckling): I guess you're right.

Dawson: By the name, you guys think we're gonna guard a boy group or a girl group?

Matthews: Hope it's a boy group, cuz I'm not in a mood to have a bunch of screaming girls surrounding me.

Jeffords: You say it like we'd have a choice.

Lawrence: How about you, Y/n?

– I don't give a damn about the type of the group, as long as I get paid, later.

Dawson: And we already know who's gonna fall for one them, if it's a girl group.

– What do you mean by that?

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