Campus Crush - Seulgi

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Yeah, I'm reposting this story, cuz I just over read it and there were a bit too many mistakes, so I corrected them and edited a few things to make it more entertaining to read.
Anyway, college AU with Seulgi. Honestly, there's not much to say. 

Hope you guys enjoy it :)


And there she was. Kang Seulgi, the prettiest girl on campus, by your eyes. This was one of the thousands thoughts you had about her, since you two first met. Your feelings for her developed after spending an afternoon at her house doing a school project, back in high school. And ever since then, you've had a huge crush on Seulgi. Yet there was a problem, you two became best friends, since this school project, so avoiding her and suppressing these feelings were far from being an option.

With all said, at the moment, you were in the hallway, waiting for the class to start, while listening to music on your headphones, but you're brought back to reality when you feel a kick on your foot. As you look up, you see Seulgi, so you take off your headphones, saying:

– Hey, Seulgi. What's up?

Seulgi: Hey, Y/n. Why aren't you in the classroom?

– Well, I was waiting for you and the class to start.

Seulgi (sarcastically): Such a gentleman. And people say chivalry is dead.

– Very funny, Seulgi bear. So, shall we get in?

Seulgi: It's either that or skipping class. Now that I said it out loud...

– Aren't you on the absence limit?

Seulgi: Shit, I forgot about that.

You both laugh at her answer, with you getting yourself up. Then, the both of you head to class and as you enter the classroom, you sit at the back of the class, with Seulgi sitting next to you. As the class starts and goes on for about an hour, your professor starts to talk about a project.

Your POV:

Oh, boy, here we go again. Hope it's at least a group project, so I don't have to be paired up with Seulgi, again. Don't get me wrong, but being paired with the girl you like, it's only a good thing in fanfics, cuz in reality, let's say there's no happy ending. Anyway, if I can avoid being alone with her, I will.

And as I hear the professor's instructions, it turned out to be exactly what I didn't want it to be, a duo project. Shit. As they were talking, I look at Seulgi and she was already looking at me with those puppy eyes, basically just waiting for me to confirm our partnership in this project.

– Why you're looking at me like that? We both know it's gonna be the two of us.

Seulgi: Yay! I just wanted to be sure.

– It's not like we both interact with others enough, to be friends with them.

Seulgi: Well, you're not wrong.

And after the professor explains how the project's gonna be, me and Seulgi start planning a few stuff for it, getting ourselves slightly ahead. About half an hour goes by, arriving break time, so we both head out from the classroom and as we do, I see Wendy waiting for us. Shit, not her. And as she sees us, together, I see a mischievous smile forming on her face, while she approaches.

Wendy: Look if ain't the cutest couple on campus.

– Bite me, Wendy.

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