How to Manage a Romance - Hyeju

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So, this story was requested by @Yoohyeonspuppy_98 and again, sorry I'm only posting it now.  College got me pretty occupied and exhausted, leaving me no time and energy to write.

Anyway! Hope you like it, both the story and the idea I had for it :)

And for the others, hope you guys also enjoy it :)

Also, happy New Year, guys 🎊🎊🥳🥳
Hope y'all have a wonderful 2024 🎉🎉❤❤


It was about two in the morning when you were deeply asleep, until suddenly, a slightly loud rumble wakes you up from your comfortable slumber. You then weakly open your eyes, searching for the cause of such noise, but apparently it didn't come from the bedroom, so you simply shrugged it off, but before going back to sleep, you turn to ask your girlfriend if she also heard the sound, yet for you surprise, she wasn't there beside you, like she's supposed to be, considering the late time, making you question:

– Where is she...?

Still trying to process what's happening, while giving up on not wanting to fully awake yourself, you sit on the bed, scratching your eyes, and then proceeding to stretch yourself. Once finished, you finally leave the bedroom and as you step outside, you notice a low brightness coming from one of the rooms, so you start walking towards it. With quiet steps, you finally reach the only room that was illuminated, at the moment, finding yourself in the kitchen. Once you adjust yourself to the lighted ambience, you see a very familiar figure, sitting at the counter, eating something.

Your POV:

Once I get to the kitchen, I see Hyeju with a messy hair, wearing one of my t-shirts that's a bit over-sized to her, covering only her butt and the very beginning of her thighs. She was sitting at the counter, eating something, while also drinking a can of coke.

As her back facing my sight, I observe her for a while, until I walk up to her and hug her by the waist, making Hyeju yelp and jump in place, getting her to exclaim:

– AAAHHH! What the hell?!

– Don't you think it's a bit late to be having a snack, baby?

Hyeju: What are you doing awake, Y/n?

– I should be the one asking that, but I'd kinda figured it out already.

And as I answer, I look over Hyeju's shoulder, at what she's eating, making me ask her:

– Hey, isn't that Vivi noona's buldak she made for tomorrow's lunch?

Hyeju: Wait, what?! This isn't yours?!

– Uh, no. I made myself a bowl of jjajangmyeon for lunch. Also made a bit of kimchi as a side dish, but anyway.

Hyeju: Argh, shit. Do you think she'll get mad?

(Chuckling) – It depends on how long she's been wanting to eat chicken.

Hyeju (also chuckling): Hope it hasn't been so long, then.

I then release Hyeju and head to the fridge grabbing my mentioned bowl of jjajangmyeon, despite the hour, while asking her:

– Where are we going tomorrow, by the way?

Hyeju: Music Bank, why?

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